(no subject)

Jul 27, 2004 12:00

thank you for letting me steal your post
I'm sure some of you have heard of freeiPods.com. If not, I'm going to tell you about it because after finding several websites that give pretty thorough information on the site, I've decided to try it myself. I'm a pretty skeptical person, but after seeing that I don't have to give out any credit card numbers, I didn't see any harm in at least trying it. I'll tell you how to do it, just check behind the lj cut.

How To Get A Free IPod:
  1.  You have to sign up at their site, freeiPods.com. Select which iPod you'd like, then enter your email address and a password. I recommend using a free email account to sign up, like hotmail or yahoo, to avoid any possible spam. They'll send you a confirmation email to this address, so make sure you read it and confirm your account! Check your Spam folder because it might possibly be sent there.
  2. It then asks where you would like your iPod sent. It only asks for your first and last name, address, gender, and date of birth. That's it!
  3. .Next, there's a marketing survey in which you can just click 'No Thank You' each time.
  4.  You must get 5 referrals. The next page allows you to send an email to your friends about freeipods.com so they can be one of your 5 referrals. It also gives you your referrer link at the bottom of the page that you can use to post on your website or journal to help you get 5 referrals. This isn't hard to do, and there are many places that help you get referrals.
  5. You must complete one of the offers listed on the 'Complete Offers' page and your 5 referrals must also complete an offer for you to get your free iPod. I recommend using the eBay offer because you don't have to have a credit card. It's the one I used.

  •       Click on the eBay offer at the bottom of the page:


A page will pop up and all you have to do is register a new eBay account through that page, supply a valid, non-free email address like insightbb or aol, and bid on an item.

Note: If you use a free email address, eBay will ask for your credit card info, which is why I suggest you use a paid email account. If you don't have a paid email account, you can register a free punkmusic.com email account to use and it will work like a paid account. eBay will also send you a confirmation email to this address, so make sure you read it and confirm your account.

  •  It doesn't matter what you bid on or the price of the bid or whether you win or not. You'll receive credit for completing the offer within 1-3 days after you bid on something. I suggest bidding on something like $5 for a pinball machine (something you know you're not going to win with your cheap-ass price) or $0.99 for a recipe or a joke. I bid a $1.00 on a dvd set that I like, which most likely won't win, but even if it does, I don't mind paying $1.00 and the $6.00 shipping fee. You could do something like that. Just use your judgement, eBay is pretty cool.

              Update: freeiPods.com just gave me credit for completing the eBay offer and I just got outbid on my item so I don't have to pay for anything. Yay!

6. Once freeiPods.com has credited you for completing one offer and getting five referrals who have completed on offer also, you go to the 'Check Status' page and redeem your iPod:

7. That's it. They'll process your order and ship out your new iPod. The shipping is free and you can expect a UPS man at your door in a week.

    Also, here is a list of helpful sites with more information, if you're interested:

  • getfreeipods.tk - A site with very simple instructions and proof of the success of this site.

  • freeipodguide.com - A HUGE help. It gives you instructions, screenshots, when you can expect your iPod, links, and reasons why this isn't a scam.

  • john's free ipod mini - A website created by a successful user. He gives you information on how to do it, how to get referrals, and more.

  • freeipods.com & you - Another website that gives great instructions.

  • engadget.com article - A great article by a guy who checked out the company running freeiPods.com. Also has great feedback from people who have used the website before.

. If you do sign up, please please PLEASE go through my refferal link. Also, let me know if you used my link. Let me know if you have completed an offer, but you just haven't been credited yet. I can also help anyone who needs help completing one or just doesn't understand how to do this. Just email me: noise@dinocore.net Thanks so much!
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