application ❧ scorched

May 14, 2011 15:49

Out of Character Information

player name: Wess
player livejournal: youthberry
playing here: None, currently!
where did you find us?: Wandering around on dear_mun
are you 16 years of age or older?: Y.

In Character Information

character name: Momo Hinamori
fandom: Bleach
timeline: Pre Fake Karakura Town Arc
character's age: Uknown. Approximately 60-100 years old, considering how slowly Shinigami age.

powers, skills, pets and equipment:

The first thing you should know about Hinamori is that she is a Shinigami. Belonging to the illustrious ranks of the sword-toting and hollow-slicing, it would make sense that with this position she would possess some supernatural gifts. Not only is she a shinigami, Hinamori is the lieutenant of the fifth division of soul society, which means that not only does she have powers, but she is proficient in their usage.

Zanpakutō → Releasing on the command 'snap', Hinamori's zanpakutō (soul slayer) is a simple katana; distinguished only by the five-petal floral design stamped on it's base. The handle on the katana is a light red, which is indicative of it being a fire-type. Although Tobiume, literally translating to "Flying Plum Tree", doesn't sound at all intimidating, underestimating it's power would be a fatal error. In Tobiume's full form, where it's blade is fully straightened and two-prongs jet out from it's sides, it is capable of sending out powerful balls of fire which explode on contact.

Shunpo → Otherwise known as 'flash step', Shunpo is the ability Shinigami have to travel from place to place at record speeds. To the normal eye, it would look as if a shinigami using this technique disappeared into thin air one, and reappeared the next a significant distance away. While Hinamori's shunpo is not as notable as some of her comrades, her ability level is still decent; she is able to keep up with a captain's level of speed.

Kidō → The closest word to describing Kidō would be magic; Shinigami use a variety of spells to both incapacitate and disarm their enemies. The field of kidō is where Hinamori most excels, able to use multiple spells at a time and customize therm to her wishes, she is described as a 'kidō master' by both Izuru and Captain Hitsugaya.

canon history: here!


Hinamori has an incredibly warm disposition which serves as both a blessing and a curse; while her open personality endears her to others, it also leaves her emotionally vulnerable. Simple in ambition, Hinamori's greatest desire is for those around her to be safe and happy; this desire connects to her tendency to act as a 'mother hen' fussing over those she cares about. An example of this is Hinamori's relationship with Hitsugaya, having known each other since they were children Momo is predictably protective over him and treats him almost as if they were siblings.

The trend with Hinamori, is that she puts the needs of others before her own; though she often is troubled with events surrounding her position as a lieutenant, she keeps her thoughts to herself, as not to place a burden on others. It could be said that the driving factor of Hinamori's personality is devotion. Devotion to her position as a protector of soul society, to Aizen, and to others. During Hinamori's time at Shinigami Academy, when facing a hollow that was much stronger than herself, she refused to run away showing a dedication to her friends Kira and Renji.

The reason why she initially admired Aizen Souske was because he was strong enough to protect Kira, Renji, and herself from a hollow attack. She did not just idolize him for superficial reasons, it was largely because she wanted to be like him; able to protect those she cares about. Inconsequentially, when Aizen betrayed the soul society, Hinamori's set of ideals were shattered. It took her months to recognize Aizen's villainy, and to date, she still faces difficulty when addressing him as an enemy. But even so, when Aizen poses a threat to those she cares about, she easily comes to their defense. Though she was deeply effected by the loss of the Aizen she knew, she still keeps his memory close to her heart, and will never lose her desire to protect those who are in need. This is perhaps, the most important lesson she learned from her former captain.

Despite her gentle nature, Hinamori is equally capable of falling victim to her darker emotions. Impulsive, and sometimes rendered uncontrollable in her anger, Hinamori is someone it would wise not to cross. This fault is in part why she wishes to grow older and gain control of her less desirable emotions; later in the anime she expresses her opinion that excessive levels of emotion makes one forget who they truly are, but in the process of growing old the heart hardens and this is no longer a problem.

why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting?: Although Hinamori may look like the caricature of naivete, in her time as lieutenant of the fifth squad she has been mentally and emotionally tested more than the average person in their entire lifetime. Devastated by the betrayal of her captain, and more importantly idol, Hinamori has already experienced a depth of pain that almost cost her sanity. In this way she is appropriate to the game, as a change of setting wouldn't throw her completely off kilter; she has gone through worse.

It also doesn't hurt to mention that Hinamori is a death god, and in essence that means slaying scary looking monsters and risking her life on a daily basis.
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