I don't actually have anything in mind to write, but it's nice to have little to do but sit here and write. Dimitrie is in bed beside me, purring. I'm going to miss him when he's gone.
Oh, I guess I haven't really talked about that, huh? I'm getting rid of Dimitrie. I have little choice. Those of you that know my family know how much my mom and sister control me (of course, I don't go quietly), and they decided, without consulting me first, that they'd had enough of the cat. I will give them the small credit of saying that it's not fair what I was doing to Dimitrie, i.e. locking him in the basement, but that wasn't because of my rules either.
Anyway, while it will save me money, I'll miss having a companion. And David's not exactly a constant companion, though a lovely one.
Thursday was my last day of class before Spring Break. My schedule's pretty much flip-flopped next week because of this - I'm working on Wednesday and free Tuesday and Thursday - but it's just for a week. Otherwise, I have to finish a small software project, do two outlines, write a 5-6 minute speech, and study for my Health test. The last bit is kind of the most important, considering I got a 60% on the first open-book test for Health, and this second one will be without notes or anything. Ergh. To be fair, the first test was on all the technical stuff - disaccharides, monosaccharides, glucose, sucrose, and whatnot - and, I think this next test is/will be more on nutrition and weight control. Still. Sigh.
In other news, I've been an awful girlfriend to David lately and been a bump on a log. I haven't wanted sex at all for the past few weeks, plus I'm starting to get worried 'cos I can't remember the last time I had my period. I deserve it, I guess, if he breaks up with me for not having sex with him, but I sincerely feel like my low sex drive is totally out of my control. I just- I don't want to feel the way that sex feels. I want more attention than that... or something.
Oh, wow, I just realized it's 11p now. This day went pretty fast. Hm. I'm going to sleep in forever tomorrow; I just know it. And I'm going to enjoy it.
Lastly, I'd like you guys to know that David and I are almost finished watching the entire
Hellraiser series. We've been working on it slowly (it's not really a priority) for the whole six months we've been dating, and today we finished the sixth one, called
Hellraiser: Hellseeker. David's seen the 7th one (for some reason) so I could end up knocking that one out on my own, but we'd still have the eighth, which David claims features Pinhead as a computer virus. Next I think we're headed toward the
Friday the 13th series. We've also already done Evil Dead and Evil Dead II, with Army of Darkness just waiting for us on his computer. Constantly yearning for bad horror, we are, haha.
Well, I think this is sufficient, don't you?