new icons.

Aug 17, 2008 01:20

So basically I'm a slowpoke when it comes to making icons.
Anyhoo, I have like 100+ icons for you. This post is similar to the last post in that I experimented a lot and used lots of different resources.

This post includes: Heath Ledger, Angelina Jolie, Iron Man, James McAvoy, The Dark Knight, Eva Green, Quantum of Solace, Wall-E, Atonement, The Darjeeling Limited, etc.

Heath Ledger


The Dark Knight




James McAvoy






Eva Green misc.


Quantum of Solace, Wanted, Brokeback Mountain


Iron Man


The Darjeeling Limited



Emma Watson, Angelina Jolie, Michelle Williams



Uggghhh...I have 112 icons listed and I uploaded 113. And I can't find that one icon. It's really bugging me, but we'll have to do without it for now. :(

resource recs:
one by yoostyna
two & three by abernathi @ distractiions
four by haloradio @ dearest
five by tihana
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