archives are up!

Sep 18, 2010 14:29

As promised, I've put up the fic archives! hurrah~ There are two, one sorted by author and another by title. They are very simple, having only author and title listed on both, and the links go to the post on this community, and not the author's. I don't think I'll be adding anything more specific to the lists, like pairing or such, since you can use the tags for that. It's self-serving for the mods in order to keep track of what has or hasn't been recced yet, to avoid double posting. And also for you, in case you want to suggest a fic but are not sure if it has been recced already.

I'll try to update it as the fics are posted, but the tags are always going to be the most useful source of finding something. It's also been a while since anyone has checked the links, so if you find a dead or incorrect link, or a fic that isn't listed, please comment on the post with the corrections so as to make my job easier. Also let me know if the fic has now been locked. Even if some of you are fine with locked fics, it's in the community's rules to not allow them, and unfortunately it will have to be taken down.

That is all for now. Happy reading. :)

! announcement

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