a general update and a reminder

Aug 24, 2010 19:13

Uh, hi, guys.

First off I'd like to apologize for how dead this community has been these past couple months. Unfortunately the mods and I can't help but be affected with what is going on with DBSK just as much as the rest of fandom. Currently, though, we are regrouping and we are going to try to start reccing again. We ask if you can be patient with us because fandom is not what it once was and we can only work with what is available. But, as always, feel free to help out on our Suggestions Post, as well as drop us line for anything.

Secondly, we are now affiliated with the main fanfiction community hug______ ! I for one am very happy that it has new mods, congrats to them! Also I'd like to thank them for all of the hard work they've put into it and everything they'll do in the future. Everyone remember to follow their rules and be nice~ Something else that is relevant is that because of a certain poll we did way back when, we are going to start reccing fics that are locked to hug______ for a couple reasons:

1. The majority of you were okay with it
2. A couple years ago, the LJ maintenance crew went batshit and started deleting journals that had inappropriate content (like nc-17 fic) posted publicly, so that caused a lot of communities and users to lock their fic.
3. Some authors that lock their fic to their journal also post the fic to a locked entry on hug______ . Therefore instead of having everyone friend all of these journals to see their fic, simply join hug______ and read it there. Easy, huh?
4. Way back in the day, before sock puppet accounts and personal fic journals/communities, everyone would just post the fic to the general fandom community. There is a lot of good, old fic out there that we couldn't rec because of this rule.

We understand that some people are not members of hug______  because it can clog your f-list, so we ask that you join, but not watch them. It's simple really. You join and you don't have to see it all over your f-list. That way you won't miss out on something you might enjoy.

Thirdly, a while back the mods and I realized that since we have a good handful of fics recced, it'd be a pretty good idea to have an archive. We've been using it ourselves to avoid re-posts, and it'd probably be useful to you all as well. As soon as it is updated, we'll get it over here.

That's it for community notices. But for those of you who signed up forrarelybanging , go over and claim your prompts so we can get the challenge going. The mods over there are super nice and won't bite, so ask them if you have any questions.

tyfyt and good luck to all you writers out there!

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