Apr 09, 2006 03:54
it seems all i wanted to do
was punch this drunk as fuck hick in his face.
i could've, and he wouldn't of known what was going on.
he drooled after he passed out
so me and paul stacked stuff on his head and put a ps2 controller in his hand.
overall the night was lame.
other than seeing matt and foojah and some friends it was lame.
went to lame keggers, some kid wouldn't stop saying he was bouncing
while showing his dick to everyone.
he got pissed when noone else would "bounce".
i took ramen noodles from their house.
don't like these girls.
the ones, you know....the ones around here.
. sometimes i understand why i don't hang out here
on saturdays.
plus side of the night...skipping rocks on the pond with eddie
and carving things onto that tree that hangs over it.
we ruled it.
i wanna rule more things.