Apr 04, 2009 20:15
I don't know why. But for some reason my computer seems to be freaking out. Or firefox is anyway.
For one, as I am typing this, for some reason the spellcheck in firefox thinks that the first three letters in the words "know" and "some" are misspelled (only the first three) and apparently its wrong to spell "out" with an o and u.
And I just clicked over to read Kaida's journal and for whatever reason was sent back to 2008. Uh yeah. So I spent a few nailbiting seconds wondering if I'd somehow gone back in time. Then I clicked the recent entries and was taken to the actual recent entries that should show up on the main page. But yeah.
Anyway, I feel like a creeper because I just decided to check out the person who's RPing as Rorschach on the Wake without introducing myself. She's into so many of the same things as I am but I am terrified to talk to her. Because what if she doesn't LIKE me?! What will I do then?! So I'm a weirdo. I really want to rp with her but she's so. much. better. than me. Gah.
Of course, I'm posting this openly so if she came to my journal she'd see this and I'd come off as a jerk.
I apologize in advance, if you are reading this. I'm just a bit of a nerd with the tendency to fangirl a bit too much. I'll try not to fangirl you. As much.
OH. And in case you didn't notice, I've really gotten into formatting my posts since starting the Wake. It's really obnoxious. I hope I stop. D=