[The first thing the lovely residents of Somarium might notice is flailing. But not just any flailing, legitimate “I’m an idiot” flailing. It’s a simple enough device. This guy has a phone back home. It’s not this phone, but he’s not inept to the technology.
Anyways it goes on like this for a minute, video blurring at times.]What is this thing?
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[Give him a moment to digest that. His smile falters just a little, and a hand goes to rub at his chin.]
Don't think I've ever heard of that.
Indeed, neither had I. Everyone I've thus met was so mistreated as we, woken into a living dream in this place and so trapped until fate or God or what wills it sets us free.
Trapped?! But I can't stay here, I've got things to do. Obligations!
[He whines a long, irritating and very childish whine. Very unbecoming for his age.]
I was supposed to go visit my daughter, too!
She is somewhere safe at least? And I find your protest likened to my own, we all had responsibility left behind, in family and office.
[He doesn't want to imagine his little girl in his position right now. If anything, it's scarier.]
It would've been nice to have a little warning before we get kidnapped like this.
Though you can be taken against your will full knowing too.
Then the ransom is probably too high, huh?
[That-- was actually a damned good question. Ransom. Was there a ransom? Why were they brought here? Was it for some purpose, or was it an accident of time and nature like the onslaught of a hurricane? Both were disturbing thoughts, though the former seemed more likely than the latter given the specific and weighty place they were. It was weighty with design, intent and history. Surely there was a reason, but was there a ransom to be had for their very lives?]
I have heard of no ransom from others here in our same situation, but there might very well be.
[Because he's a cheap old man, and the majority of his paycheque goes back into city repairs anyway.]
Your name?
And you are?
Cesare Borgia. Cardinal Cesare Borgia, of Rome.
You sound pretty important. [Even his manner of speech sounds dignified. He's only just making that connection now, though.]
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