Apr 16, 2006 17:00
So it is bunny day, the day that someones lord and savor rose from the grave...(thisis the resarection right?). Im sorry to say that this is just another day in the year to me, yet another holladay that I dontbeleve in. to each there own I guess... I could be Irish aboutitand just use it as a prompt to start drinking early and pass out before midnight... if it is with wine it iwith in the rules for the day right?!?... lol
anyway I have to say that when one is sick and getts better the sickness should not come back at full force the next day and last twice as long as the first time! Its not nice! I was all ready for a fun weekend(thought not shure what I was going to be doing, but that is not the point!) but I spent it going threw hot and cold moments and tring to rid my body of one of my lungs... It seemsto be ending again, but we will see tomorrow if it has gone away or if its playing cat and mouse with me....
on the pluss side I get togo to Harvys on Wen., Ilove that place thought I dontknow if the person I invited to go is going to go or not... he has not gotten back to me yet...(ya you...). that out of the way there is not alotmore to say so Ill say later.