Feb 06, 2008 21:50
I find myself in a situation I've never been in before. I've said many times that college is just a game; play by the rules and you earn yourself an A. But playing the game has never clashed so strongly with my self before. If a professor said tweak this or add that, I did it, because I knew that's what they wanted, and it didn't matter one way or the other to me. Rather, I stood my ground on trifles, like commas whose placement I understood but they didn't. But now, as a professor keeps pushing for me to write on a topic in which I have no interest, I'm faced with something completely different. It's become obvious to me that he's pushing everyone in the class into the topic he would prefer they write on. And now I'm dead set against his topic for me for that very reason. So I'm left with the question: Do I continue to play the game, because I want that A, and I know I will get that A if I play along, or do I push to write what I want to write, which is no worse a topic than any other in the class?
I do have to say that I'm.. miffed, to say the least, that he's allowing two other students to write on one 'Harry Potter,' while my ideas about more, if I may be allowed to be elitist for a moment, 'literary' works are rejected.