It started here at the State Library, with an irrelevant sign...
There were some good signs.
So many good signs. (one not pictured reads: "Assange For Prime Minister")
Don't worry, the police were there too - incase it got out of hand. It didn't.
I see red I see red I see red. Good ol' Socialists.
One of the speakers urged everyone to boycott everything American. Stating that 'it will hurt them'. He made it sound so easy. He then urged everyone to follow them (the Socialist Alternative) on Facebook for further updates. Facebook isn't American, is it?
I really liked the "Raise The Dole" sign. As we went down Swanston St, some man yelled out "Raise The Doll?! Get a job you fucking dickhead!!". To which I laughed, which prompted him to give me a nice glare. Apparently I offended him.
Some of the people.
We discovered the rally by accident, but it was certainly fun to follow and to photographise. I learnt a lot about my camera, it's custom settings and it's effectiveness when using aperture priority etc as opposed to manual as well as trying to take photos with LiveView. I will definitely use these features again, as they were helpful once I was able to figure out what the camera was trying to do in each setting and therefore how I could manipulate it so it was giving me the desired effect. I used autofocus and LiveView during the moving parts of the rally which was invaluable and gave a lot of control with my photos despite having very little time to frame each shot. Mainly, liveview allowed me to lift the camera up high whilst still knowing what I was photographing.
Overall a fun day and am looking forward to getting my roster for work so I can plan for photo days.
Farewell for now.
P.S. Morgan (
witchdoctors) was also there. He also has many photos to share.