Dec 30, 2008 20:06
I woke up after having a really bizarre and horrific zombie nightmare this morning, about 15 minutes before my alarm went off. Here's what I remember. At first, the zombies in my dream were like other known zombies; catatonic, unresponsive, and slow. However, without feeding they become what people called "House Lit." This meant that every part of the brain becomes active in a final attempt at "survival." They become completely spastic. Every part the body becomes stronger with a rush of fluids, adrenaline and pure instinct. When the zombies become "House Lit" they do anything to get at you. A woman in my dream clawed through a wall, her fingers and hands were worn down to bloody stumps. She squeezed herself through a small opening she managed to make and cut out huge pieces of her sides pushing herself through the jagged edges. Her legs twisted and broke open in several places, leaving a lake of black red blood and tissue behind. All I could hear was her flesh tearing and her bones and ligaments breaking and shredding. Her screams were not painful sounding, but closer to the sounds you'd imagine a mother would make if she were trying to lift a bus to get to her injured child. Aching, and frenzied. They called it being "House Lit" because it was like every light was on. Every synopsis was firing simultaneously. Every part of the brain fueling the entire body. Rabid and unstoppable.