May 12, 2007 07:26
So, fatherhood is upon me. I've very excited. Everything seems to be going very well. We moved in up stairs and cleaned out a huge mess. patched walls and did some decorating and painting. Heathers been working slowly but steady on the baby's room.
The business has been picking up like crazy. this week I have to print over 700 shirts, all on this small press. We're in that in between phase where we are making money, but not enough to hire anyone or buy more productive equipment.
I've decided to start putting on shows again upon a few requests. the baby shower is May 27th. working full time at lifestyles very soon. the baby is rapidly coming. I'm so busy and frantic its crazy. but refreshing.
Growing up is a scary thing to do, but its like getting a car...once you learn how to drive you can't see your self with out a car again, but you still have to pay for it out the ass. I'm very excited about it... because I realized that you can have a happy medium between growing up and being young. if you never grow up at all it seems like you're heading for failure but if your all serious and too mature your just a boring pile of nothing.
I can't wait to get married either, however not being single makes you miss some of the aspects of being single, like meeting people and courtship and all that stuff...but none of those things come close to the companionship, loyalty, consistency and love that I get from heather.
My close friends out there who've grown distant. I've been thinking a lot about you. especially those two of you who have the same name. I've been somewhat nostalgic myself.
With out God, I'd be a stricken with vengeance all the time. theres just so many who've wronged me, and its just so hard to ignore sometimes. I don't let the small ones bother me at all... but there are the few from the more distant past that need to get theres.
"don't wound what you can't kill" - Eddie Brock