More Family things

May 17, 2010 02:09

First Day of School: It's Toris's first day on the job, and he's about to discover he has some strange kids in his class.
Word Count: 2,069

Toris glanced down the list of names again. This was his first day at his new job and he didn’t want to ruin it by messing up someone’s name right off the bat.

“Haha,” his partner, Feliks, laughed from across the desk, “Some kid named Charlie likes to eat crayons,” he read off of the facts sheet that some of the other teachers had prepared for him. Basically just notes and tidbits about each of the students he had based on their past experiences, “Apparently he like, prefers blue.”

“Feliks you shouldn’t be reading that, and don’t judge him to harshly just because you preferred the pink ones when you were young.”

“They were like, totally superior to the rest of the box!” he argued, “But whatev. Seriously Tor, have you like, read this? Some of these kids are messed up!”

“I prefer to judge them based on my own experiences. Each child is a precious-”

“Yeah yeah, I’ve like heard you go on about this before,” he waved him off, “but you’ve like never spent time alone with my cousin before.”

Toris leaned over to watch Ivan, the cousin in question, coloring silently at the table in the back. “He can’t be as bad as you make him out to be.”

“But he like, totally is! I’m only in the same room with him now ‘cause like, Katyusha’s too busy to drop him off today and his dad is like, total no show at these kinds of things for cereal.”

This year the school had instituted a new ‘sign in’ rule for all grades where the parents had to physically drop off their children and sign them in so the teacher could actually meet them. They said it was so the teachers could ‘connect with the families more,’ but everyone knew it was just so they knew who to call when someone got in trouble. That didn’t stop Toris from wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to get to know his kids’ families though, and it didn’t stop his first student’s family from sending a cousin instead. Not that he didn’t understand the situation, after all Feliks was living with him, so it was probably easier he dropped him off.

“You should see what the others say about him Tor,” he pushed the list into Toris’s hands, and recited, “Eager to make friends…a little too eager. He’s a loner and a bit creepy if you ask me. Try to keep him from Alfred, for your sanity’s sake.”

Ivan looked up and smiled at him, causing Feliks to shutter. “Well, like, I signed him in and everything. The other parents and their brats should be coming soon.”

“They’re not-”

“Do you, like,” he went on, ignoring his partner’s protests, “need me to do anything else or something?”

“No that’s fine,” indeed the other parents were now filing into his classroom, “I’ll see you at home.”

“Good luck Mr. Lorinaitis,” the blonde winked, “you’re gonna need it.” With that, he left.

Toris introduced himself to the parents and the children, who sometimes smiled back, sometimes ignored him, or even asked him for a cookie. The parents were sometimes polite, sometimes rushed, but generally pleasant people, and that made the sign-ins run smoothly. He should have known it wouldn’t have lasted.

All of the students so far had been avoiding Ivan in the back, who kept coloring, which troubled Toris a little, until Im Yong Soo showed up.

“Hello, aru,” a young man with long, dark hair said, tugging on Yong Soo’s hand. “I’m Im Yong Soo’s brother, Wang Yao. I sign him in here right?”

Im Yong Soo’s a bit hyperactive and takes credit for everyone else’s work. This isn’t really much of a problem in perspective, and he’s a happy enough child. His siblings are involved in his life, and he gets good grades, despite not having real parents, so just make sure to keep him calm and he’s easy to deal with.

“Oh yes,” he pushed the clipboard forward and offered Yao a pen, “Hello Yong Soo. I know you and I are going to be great friends.”

“Me too teach,” the young Korean grinned, “after all, I created the school system.”

“Um, what?”

“He does that a lot, aru. You can just ignore it.”

“Ah, Yao,” sometime during the conversation Ivan had gotten out of his seat and walked to the front of the class, “I didn’t know you’d be here.”

Yao forced a grin, “Of course I’m here. I have to drop my little brother off, aru. You two should go play now…”

“Come on Yong Soo,” Ivan grabbed the other boy’s wrist and dragged him off, “let’s go play.”

“Wait, Ivan, stop, I don’t-” he could do nothing against the other’s grip however, and was seated at the back table only moments later.

“Where are your parents, if you don’t mind me asking,” Toris asked, “I’ve noticed that you’re listed as the primary contact and, well…”

“We don’t have parents, aru,” he said as he finished his name with a flourish, “I take care of them. That’s not a problem is it?”

“Not at all, I was just curious.” He smiled, Yao wasn’t convinced.

“Our family gets along fine as it is aru. Yong Soo is a good kid with bad luck. Please remember that.” He nodded curtly and left.

A little later a tall Italian man came in with two kids, one all smiles while the other glared at everyone in eyesight, who looked similar. Toris didn’t think there were any twins on his list…

“Hello!” the man greeted warmly enough, “Roma Vargas here with his adorable grandchild Feliciano!”

Feliciano Vargas is an interesting child. Very artistic and friendly to the point where he annoys the others. If you have Ludwig in your class then he’ll probably just stick with him, but if you don’t, well, he’ll annoy anyone you stick him next to. His biggest problem might be his brother, who’s cynical despite his young age, and his Grandfather, who’s very protective, but whatever you do, do not question Vargas. Ever. Just don’t. Entire family may also be addicted to pasta.

“Hello Feliciano,” Toris smiled, “I hope we can have lots of fun together this year!”

“Ve, me too.”

“It’s a shame your twin brother can’t join us.”

“Chigi!” the brother spit out, “I’m his older brother! I’m no one’s twin bastard!” Toris could do nothing but blink.

“But Lovi~” the Grandpa squealed, picking up and hugging his grandson tightly, “that’s a compliment! You should always be trying to look younger than you actually are!”

“Stupid…bastard…let go of me!”

During this, Feliciano had gotten bored and wandered to the back of the class, where he found interest in something Yong Soo had drawn and sat next to him.

“Well I should go drop Lovino off,” Mr. Vargas said before slamming his hand on the desk, causing Toris to jump, “but I just want you to know, Feliciano is one of my precious grandsons, my own flesh and blood. I expect his school life to be full of good times and fun memories, got it?”

“Y-yes of course…”

“I mean it. You’re a new teacher right?” Toris nodded, “Well hopefully this won’t be your last job, hm?”

“I sure hope not…”

“Good. I don’t want it to be your last job either.”

“Grandpa, stop scaring the new blood and drop me off damnit!” Lovino shouted, tugging on the man’s arm.

“Of course Lovi, we’re going,” he turned back to Toris, “I hope you’ll tell me if anything goes wrong, right?” He nodded again as they left. That was a scary, scary man…

Most of the other children had shown up by the time a young blonde child waltz in with a tall aristocratic looking man sporting glasses.

“Roderich Edelstein dropping off Ludwig Beilschmidt,” he said as he approached the desk, “I’m sorry about the confusion, but his father is currently out of town and his brother is, well, his brother.”

Ludwig Beilschmidt is an angel. He’s quiet, productive, and can distract Feliciano for any given amount of time. His only downside might be that he never seems to have any fun, and his brother, Gilbert, who’s a pain to deal with. Fortunately Ludwig is so well behaved you never have to deal with the rest of his family.

“That’s fine, I’m sure he’s very busy. Hello Ludwig. I hope you have an enjoyable year.”

“Yes, I do too. Is there anything I need to sign?”

“No, it’s just for the adults. You can go play with the others if you want.”

“Ah, okay.” As soon as he turned around though, he was tackle-hugged to the ground.

“Ve, Ludwig! You finally showed up! I was worried you wouldn’t come this year!”

“Feliciano, this is school. I haven’t missed a day since we first met. Why would I miss now?”

“You could have been kidnapped or eaten! It happens a lot, ve.”

“We live in a town far away from any wildlife capable of eating humans. And do you really think Gilbert would let someone kidnap me?”

“Ah, I guess not.” Feliciano smiled at his friend before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the back table with the others.

“He shouldn’t be a problem,” Roderich explained, “but if something does happen,” he scribbled a phone number down and handed the paper to Toris, “please call me.”

“But the emergency contact list-”

“Yes, it has Gilbert and Vash on there. Vash is usually…unreachable during the day and Gilbert is Gilbert. Calling me will be your best bet almost 90% of the time.”

“If you say so…”

“If that’s settled, I have a meeting to get to. If you’d excuse me,” he turned and left, exchanging a nod and an “Arthur” with the blonde man who rushed in after him. He gave a brief nod and a “Roderich” in return before pushing past him. Toris looked at the clock; class was supposed to start in about three minutes.

“S-sorry we’re late. Alfred couldn’t find half his things.”

“I told you, we were playing hide and seek!”

“You can’t play hide and seek with inanimate objects.”

Alfred Kirkland-Bonnefoy is a real character. Hopeless in geography and English, but excels in any of the sciences and math. He has a real hero complex and is protective of his friends and family, so if another student says or does something against them, he’ll start a fight. His fathers are chores to deal with together, so try talking to either one or the other. I recommend Arthur for academic problems and Francis for behavioral ones. Keep away from Ivan.

“Hello Alfred,” the child beamed at him, “I hope we’ll have a lot of fun this year.”

“Of course we will Mr. Teacher Person! I’m a hero, and heroes always have fun!” He looked around the classroom before his eyes settled on…


“Good morning Alfred!” Ivan smiled at him, “I’m so happy we’re in the same class this year again.”

Alfred was about to run off, but Arthur tugged him back.

“You promised, no fights today, remember?”

“But Dad…”

“No fights or I’ll cook dinner tonight,” Alfred shuddered but nodded, which seemed to be enough for Arthur as he let him go. The blonde child ran to the back of the room and sat himself between Ludwig and Yong Soo, across the table from Ivan.

Arthur blushed before turning back to sign his name, “Sorry about him…he’s a good kid most of the time. Just a bit, um, over-reactive I suppose.”

“That’s quite alright Mr. Kirkland-Bonnefoy.”

“Just Kirkland. Mr. Bonnefoy is dropping off the other three down the hall.” He finished off his signature and handed the clipboard back, “Is that it?”

As soon as he said that, a blonde Frenchman stuck his head in the room, “Hey Arthur, I’m done already! I told you Mathieu, Jake, and Angelique would be faster than Alfred!”

“Like hell frog! I’m done as well and I have been for the past five minutes!”

“You only showed up about two minutes ago,” Toris pointed out.

“Whose side are you on?” Arthur hissed at him as Francis laughed.

“Remember our bet? You owe me a-”

“Sh-shut up frog! There are children present! You’ll get it later…” Mr. Kirkland whispered as he pushed his husband out of the classroom.

Toris looked around the room, eyes lingering on the table in the back. This was going to be an interesting year.

A/N: I don't even...I also don't have that much to say excpet I should probably get some sleep now. Maybe then things will make sense.

america, korea, my family, australia, austria, china, france/england, fanfic, germany, italy, rome, lithuania, russia, poland, romano, hetalia

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