[Fic] Turnabout Hero - Chapter 1

Aug 19, 2012 17:35

Title: Turnabout Hero
Characters (for this part): Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Canada
Rating/Warnings: PG, murder. Crossover with the Ace Attorney series.
Summary: When Alfred F. Jones is accused and tried for murder, Phoenix Wright is brought in to defend him. Solving a murder with this strange bunch will not be easy, and with secrets around every corner and the entire country against him, can Phoenix prove him innocent?
A/N: This is a deanon from the kink meme. I'm trying to see if I can actually insert music into the story too, so ctrl + click opens links in a new tab, is the best way I've come up with. If you have other ways for me to do that, please let me know.

My name is Phoenix Wright, and I’m a defense attorney. I get some really weird cases sometimes, and this last one probably tops them all…

March 15, 9:00AM. Wright & Co. Law Offices.

I was lounging around my office, not a care in the world, when my assistant and resident spirit medium, Maya Fey, suddenly burst through the door.

“Hey Nick, are you…do you still not have a case yet!?”

“It’s just a lag. Things’ll pickup when we get into the murder season.”

“There’s a season for murder? Huh, never knew that. Must be autumn.”

“Why do you say that?”

“It goes by the code name ‘fall.’ Autumn is definitely planning something.” She looked around the office, which was a complete mess. “Maybe if you picked up around the office a little, you’d stop scaring all the clients away.”

(Isn’t that your job? And most of it is your mess anyway…)

“Oh, by the way,” Maya continued, “who’s this guy? Is he friend of yours?”

“…What guy?”

“The guy standing right here.”

I looked to where she was pointing, and sure enough, there was a man with silky blond hair, sky blue eyes, and glasses shuffling around right by the door.

“Oh, there. Um, sorry, I didn’t see you.”

“It’s alright, I’m used to it,” he gave me a small smile and stepped forward, “but, um, you are the defense attorney, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, how can I help you? You don’t look like the type of guy to get into trouble.”

“It’s always the quiet ones that you got to watch out for, Nick,” Maya whispered.

(You’re one to talk…get your hand away from my wallet!)

“No, I’m fine. It’s, well, my brother, Alfred Jones.”

Maya went wide eyed and gasped, “You, you’re…you’re related to that creep?!”

(Who’s he? The name doesn’t ring a bell. Why do I have the feeling I’m missing something important…?)

“It’s all over the news Nick! You really should keep up on the current…political stuff.”

(Maya actually paying attention to the news? More likely something out of the gossip columns.)

“Anyway, Alfred Jones is a demon! He’s the one who killed that Congressman in DC the other day in cold blood for no other reason than he likes watching people suffer. He knows he’s guilty too, so he keeps refusing defense lawyers, even the ones the state’s providing for him!”

(Definitely the gossip columns. You shouldn’t believe everything you see on TV.)

“No no! That’s completely wrong! Sorry, but that’s just the way the media’s spinning it. He didn’t kill anyone, and he’s refusing defense lawyers because he’s an idiot.”

“So why are you here, Mr. Jones?” I asked.

“Eh? Oh, sorry, I never gave you my name did I? It’s Williams actually, Matthew Williams, but you can just call me Matt, or That Guy Canadian Guy, or even Who, I’ll respond to anything really. But Mr. Wright, I’ve heard about you. You take on seemingly impossible cases with some of the most idiotic clients and somehow miraculously prove their innocence. Believe me when I say Alfred didn’t kill that man, he just wouldn’t do something like that!”

“You came all the way to California just to hire me? Does your brother even know you’re here?”

“Well, no. He can be a bit, stubborn, sometimes. And it’s not that far. I live in Ottawa, but I had a meeting in Vancouver until yesterday, so it’s kind of on my way. I was supposed to be in Washington today anyway, so I’ll just be showing up a bit later than I planned.”

“What were you doing in Vancouver?” Maya asked, “Isn’t that kinda far?”

“Not from here no; it’s in the same time zone anyway. I work for the government, so, um, I can’t really talk about what I was doing there. Sorry, but it’s classified.”

Matthew Williams
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Defendant’s Brother. Works for the Canadian Government. A bit on the shy side and sometimes hard to notice.

“That’s fine, but why me?”

“Well, um, Kiku, he’s my friend and he recommended you, well, he said that you were a bit of an idiotic idealist.”

(Great, now people I’ve never met are making fun of me…)

“I’m sorry; it’s just what he said. Please don’t make that face.”

(…What face?)

“It’s fine though, because my brother is the king of idiotic idealists. You don’t have to say yes yet, just come to Washington with me and meet him. I’ll even pay for the flight and the hotel! There’s a good chance he won’t even take you on, I just want to,” he bit his lip and shifted his feet, “try. He’s my brother. Even if he is an idiot, I can’t just let him go to jail.”

“Flight and hotel? It’s like a free vacation! I say we go. I’ll get my bathing suit.” Maya cheered.

(Do you even know where Washington DC is?)

“I can’t just drop everything and fly across the country. My law firm is here, and I’ve got work to do too you know.”

“No you don’t, Nick, you haven’t had a case in months! We’ll go!”

“Thank you! It means a lot to me!” he did look relieved as he smiled at us, “The flight leaves in about an hour, so if you could get packed quickly that would be best. I’ll just be waiting outside.” With some more words of thanks, he left.

“Why did you do that, Maya? I thought you didn’t like this guy.”

“Matt’s nice; it’s not his fault his brother’s a cold-hearted demon man. And you don’t have to take the case, just the free plane ride and hotel room!” She ran around the office, tossing random things into two suitcases she pulled out of somewhere. I didn’t even know we had them in the office.

“Maya, this won’t be a vacation you know. He’s trying to hire us for a case. We may end up working.”

“We’re taking a plane, and we’ll be staying at a hotel. Of course it’s a vacation! Now, should I bring red one, or the blue one?”

(Why do I get the feeling this is going to be one crazy trip?)

turnabout hero, ace attorney, crossover, canada, hetalia, maya fey, phoenix wright

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