[Fic] Let the Games Begin: Winning Isn't Everything

Aug 11, 2012 04:10

Title: Winning Isn't Everything
Characters/Pairings: USUK, Turkey, India, Taiwan for a bit, mentions of others.
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary:  After the decathlon, America is crowned the Most Athletic Nation in the World, and assumes England is jealous. It spirals out of control from there.

America was delighted, elated even. His boys had one both silver and gold in the decathlon making him the undisputed Most Athletic Nation in the World, if the ninety plus medals didn’t give that away already.

All the other nations congratulated him on his achievement. France and Canada with hugs, Germany with a handshake and Prussia with an offer of drinks, Japan with a nod and a hug (America initiated that one, but Japan let it happen, so it counts), Russia with a glare and some kind but icy words, and Belarus and Ukraine with cheek kisses. Even Cuba, bronze medal around his neck, gave him a clap on the back and a handshake without punching him in the face first or accidentally mistaking him for Canada. It was good to be the champion.

However America couldn’t help but notice one very obvious person who didn’t congratulate him, England. Not only was this a strike in the bad host column, this was a giant slash in the boyfriend one as well. Since England was an excellent boyfriend, America could attest to that personally, and would rather lose to France than be a poor host, there could only be one logical conclusion to this.

England was mad at him for winning.

While it was true that England had won quite a few medals this Olympics, it still paled in comparison to his own. All throughout this week, America had suspected that England had become jealous and resentful of all the medals he was winning. He had been pulling away from America, spending more and more time with his own athletes and the Commonwealth nations like Australia and New Zealand. Last night he never came back to their shared room in the Olympics Village, and America had caught him at lunch that afternoon with France of all nations.

With these latest medals securing his place as the Most Athletic Nation, England was probably fuming, and now it was up to America to make things right again.

Well, first he’d take Prussia up on his offer to buy him drinks for the rest of the night, because facing an angry England completely sober was terrifying.


America woke up the next morning upside down in a chair with a very angry England glaring down at him.

“Good morning, darling,” he smiled. Usually the nickname would soften England’s anger, but apparently he was having none of that this morning and instead kicked his head and stormed off.

America scrambled to his feet and followed after him, “Wait, England, where are you going?”

“Breakfast,” he said as he reached the door, “Some of us still have events to attend today and can’t be bothered to babysit your arse all day.” With that he threw open the door and stormed out into the hallway.

America ran after him, catching the door before it slammed shut and charging down the hallway after him, “England, wait!”

“I did wait for you, America!” he shouted back, not turning around, “I waited for you all last night and you completely failed to show up until three in the morning, completely drunk!”

“I’m sorry about that, but you really can’t blame me for it!”

England stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned to face him, “What?”

“I mean,” America had caught up with him by now and stood right in front of him, “I was only out drinking last night because you were mad at me.”

“You are an idiot and a liar,” England thrust a finger in his face, “I am only mad at you because you were out drinking last night and you didn’t even bother to tell me.”

“No, you were mad. You were mad and jealous because I wouldn’t have been drinking otherwise,” America crossed his arms, “And I’m a big boy now, England, if you haven’t noticed. I don’t see why I have to tell you anything.”

“Because that’s what you do in relationships! You let the other know what you’re up to or when you’re going to be out until three in the morning so they don’t waste their time planning and organizing a relaxing celebratory evening to commemorate your success only to be left feeling like a complete and utter idiot when you don’t even have the curtsey to show up!”

“I, what?” but England had already stormed off and was halfway down the hallway again, “Th-that’s rich coming from you, seeing as you never bother to tell me when you’re going to be spending the whole night out and about and having lunch with freaking France and not even telling me!”

England had stopped once again a few doors down to glare at him, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You spent the other night out doing god knows what, you don’t even have the decency to call or tell me about this, and when I tried to find you for lunch, you were eating with France!” America frowned and turned away, “How is that supposed to make me feel?”

“I’m the host, you twat!” England snapped at him, “I’ve spent the majority of the Olympics so far with you already! I can and have to spend time with other nations. And I did call you to tell you I was working late,” he muttered the last sentence.

“No you didn’t,” America snapped back, “I’d remembered if you called!”

“This is ridiculous!” England stomped over, reached into America’s pants pocket, and grabbed his phone, “I definitely called you.”

“You definitely didn’t.”

England spared him a look as he flicked through his recent calls. When he got to the day in question, he stared at the phone in disbelief, “I, what? I did call you! I swear I did!”

“Yeah, well, I never got it,” but England was ignoring him as he pulled out his own phone and scrolled through his calls. America peeked over his shoulder and saw that he was missing a sent call to America.

“I…” England shook his phone as if that would somehow change the facts, “I definitely, meant to call you, and planned to call you.”

“Well you never got around to the actually doing it stage,” America pouted and looked away.

“Sorry, love,” England gave him his phone back, “But still, my breach of etiquette aside, you still should have told me where you were last night.”

“Sorry,” he shrugged, “But you were mad at me, so I figured-”

“What?” England looked genuinely confused, “You keep saying that, but I wasn’t mad at you until you got back.”

“You didn’t congratulate me!” America threw his hands up and England stepped back, “I officially became the Most Athletic Nation and I’ve been winning all these medals and you don’t have as many and you must be mad and jealous because why else would you just leave and not say anything and I may have sort of been bragging a lot lately and who wouldn’t get fed up with that by now so of course your mad at me!”

England put a finger to his lips, cutting his rant short, “Calm down, America. I’m not mad at you for winning the decathlon. I wasn’t even a contender. I’m not even mad at you for winning all of the medals. That would be ridiculous.”


England nodded, “I left early because I wanted to surprise you with a congratulatory dinner. Your athletes earned those medals, so what right do I have to be mad at you? And jealous? Honestly?” he smirked and moved his hand around America’s neck, “I have the Most Athletic Nation in the World in my bed. Everyone should be jealous of me.”

America grinned, “So, you’re not mad at me?”

“No,” England played with the hair on the back of his neck, “Are you still mad at me?”

“No,” America laughed and rested his forehead against England’s, “We are giant idiots.”

“Indeed,” England tilted his head and kissed him properly.

“It’s great that you two made up and all,” they jumped apart at the sound of Turkey’s voice, “But some of us have events to get to and would really like access to the hallway.”

It was only then that they noticed they had made up in Turkey’s doorway. “Sorry about that,” America chuckled as he moved them out of the way.

“It’s fine, glad you guys made up and all that,” Turkey said as he left his room, “Can you guys just, you know, do that in your own room?”

“Agreed,” India was standing in his own doorway a few doors down, “You two are very loud when you argue, and some of us were planning on sleeping in.”

“Sorry,” America whispered as they made their way to the elevator hand in hand. Just as the doors were shutting, he shouted, “Sorry about that everyone!”

“Just go away already!” Taiwan shouted from a room down the hall.

“Sorry,” he whispered again for good measure as the doors shut on them.

England chuckled as he kissed his cheek and America squeezed his hand.

Winning was great and all, but moments like this with England, America decided, were the best.

america, fanfic, england, 2012 olympics, hetalia, us/uk

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