[Fic] Let the Games Begin: Busby's Pommel Horse

Aug 07, 2012 01:48

The American and Japanese gymnasts kept falling off the pommel horse during the Indivdual and Team All Arounds. I got suspicious.
No, I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

Title: Busby's Pommel Horse
Characters: England, America, Japan
Rating/Warnings: PG, crack
Summary: As the host nation, England has access to certain equipment, which can be cursed to enact certain revenge.

England slipped into the gymnasium after the security guards had left. A quick look around the dark room showed that he was finally alone in the large, pink room.

“Make fun of my gymnastics skills, will they?” he grumbled as he started pacing, “I’ll show them, I’ll show them all. Yes, gymnastics may not be my best events, but I’ve gotten at least a few medals in it. Probably. I think.”

He’s frantic steps had brought him over to the pommel horse, and he suddenly flashed back four years ago to Beijing, when America and Japan had taunted him and showed off on the pommel horse. They goaded England into trying his hand, knowing full and well that, while he definitely could do gymnastics, thank you very much, the pommel horse was not his strong suit. He was more of a parallel bars kind of guy. Yes that was it. Anyway, he fell, hard, and America - and even normally quiet and reserved Japan - had burst out laughing at his misfortune.

Oh, he swore they would rue the day they ever set foot on a gym mat, however four years later he had yet to come up with a suitable punishment for them.

Until today. In his capitol, at this very moment, England suddenly had an idea.

He still had a few magical friends that owed him favors.


“England!” America whined, “Something terrible has happened!”

“Oh?” England pretended to act surprised, “Whatever could it be?”

“It is very distressing,” Japan said, “It would seem that, well…”

“None of our gymnasts can stay on the pommel horse!” America shouted, “This is a disaster! I suspect cheating of some kind! Cheating I say!”

“As the host, we were wondering if,” Japan motioned with his hand, “If you could get to the bottom of it.”

England sighed, as is simply talking to them was already cutting into his very busy schedule, “I’ll see what I can do, but have you ever considered that maybe your boys just aren’t up to snuff?”

He walked away leaving them with baffled looks all over their faces as a small smirk slowly spread across his own.

Never mess with the British Empire.

america, fanfic, england, 2012 olympics, hetalia, japan

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