Questions from
lovelycudy :
▸ Comment with "Come at me, bro"
▸ I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
▸ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
▸ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1) If the Alien invasion does happen, which Doctor do you want to protect us?
10, mostly because I had a weird dream where I met David Tennant last night, partly because I do like how rolls. Not that I don't like how 8, 9, and 11 roll I've only seen the new series OTL..actually, I'd like all of them to save the world together. It would be an epic team up.
2) Favourite band of all time?
Panic! At the Disco.
Don't judge me.
They're not the greatest band ever, but that wasn't the question now was it? I like their songs, I like their sound, I like how they have my sense of humor/priorities, and I like how I have rl friends who like them too so we can all geek out together.
3) If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?
Do I have to pick just one place? I would like to visit everywhere at least once. But if I could only pick one then Japan. I've loved Japan ever since I first released not only do video games come from Japan but so does anime, and every time I try to go something comes up and I either can't afford it anymore or I just can't. So yes, someday I would very much like to travel to Japan and finally check that off my bucket list.
4) Tell me one thing you just can't understand.
The stance on anti-gay marriage. I can usually see both sides of an issue even if I don't agree with it, but this is just one I could never get my mind around. A friend once explained to me why some Christians say it's wrong in a way that did actually make sense, but the fact that she was pro-gay marriage and that I've never heard any one else use that argument makes me raise an eyebrow.
5) You have absolute control over Hetalia's canon, what would happen next?
Hetalia has canon? Prohibition strips featuring I'm just here for the bootlegging!Romano and America in fedoras. Then England shows up for the Jazz Age and good times are had by all until the Great Depression hits. After that more American Rev. strips featuring the actually war and Drill Sergent!Prussia. So uh, more history, less nakkid men, and that's how I drive the series into the ground. :Db