Family Tiems 2

Mar 24, 2010 00:51

My Family. By Feliciano Vargas: "Tell me about your family..."
Word Count: 1,041

Mai Famiglia
By Feliciano Vargas: Age 8

I really really wanted to draw a picture of my family instead because I’m not so good with words and I really really like to draw but Lovino hit me on the head and said that it was a writing assignment so I had to write and really I just want pasta right now but I won’t get any until I finish.

My family is me and my brother Lovino and our Grandpa Roma. Grandpa is really old but he never acts his age and he plays with us all the time and loves us a lot and I love him very much and Lovino does too I’m sure although he never says it and I’m hungry. I don’t really know what happened to our parents because Grandpa doesn’t like to talk about it and he gets all sad and it makes me sad so we don’t talk about it. Grandpa’s friends are really big and they wear suits and call him Boss and they’re real nice to me and get me presents but Lovino says I should stay away and he’s older and knows things but Grandpa plays with them all the time so they’re okay.

Lovino is my brother and he’s 11 and he won’t get me pasta. A lot of people say we’re twins because we look alike but we’re not, we’re just brothers. Lovino is always watching out for me because he’s my big brother and that’s what big brother’s do. Like that one time when all those big mean scary guys showed up and Lovino had us hide in the closet until Grandpa came home and I was scared and he was scared but he hid it so I wouldn’t worry because he’s a good brother like that. Lovino acts mean and tough but he’s really a scaredy cat like me and he tries to protect me but he can’t really protect himself most of the time. I love him anyway because he’s my brother even if he won’t get me pasta.

Cousin Antonio is 22 and he comes to visit us lots because he says we’re his favorites. Lovino says he doesn’t like him but I think he’s just saying that because he’s always in a better mood when Antonio comes over. Antonio likes to give us lots of hugs and kisses and tomatoes until Grandpa makes him stop because he says we’re Grandpa’s grandkids and not Antonio’s which is true. Antonio likes to tell us how good and cute we are which makes me happy but Lovino doesn’t like it much and usually head butts him but Antonio doesn’t seem to mind because he just laughs it off. Antonio is a really happy person and he’s always smiling and having fun so he’s fun to be around.

Sometimes Antonio brings a lot of his little cousins to play with us. Lovino says he kidnaps them because they don’t look anything like him and they all hate him but Antonio wouldn’t do something like that. I don’t really remember most of their names though, except Sergio. Sergio was 13 and he kept trying to smoke all these cigars he had on him but Antonio kept taking them away and saying that second hand smoke kills whatever that means. When Antonio went to play with Grandpa Sergio took us out for ice cream and he was really nice about it and me and Lovino had fun that day even though Lovino says he didn’t. I asked Antonio one time what happened to him but he just said he’d tell me when I’m older. Adults always say that and I’m still hungry.

Cousin Francis is 25 and he comes over a lot too. Lovino really doesn’t like him, not like Antonio where he says he doesn’t like him but really does but like, he really doesn’t like Francis. Francis doesn’t seem to care because he’s always kissing and hugging us, which is fine but he always accidently plays with that one hair that makes me feel weird and Grandpa gets angry and tells him to stop. I like it when Francis come by though because he’s always telling us funny stuff and giving us weird things and he cooks us really delicious food. But ever since he got married his wife Arthur has been giving us really gross sconey things too and those are just bad.

Francis stops by a lot but he usually only brings Arthur and Cousin Alfred and Cousin Matt and Cousin Angelique on special occasions which is good because Arthur’s scones suck. It’s sad too because Alfred and Matt and Angelique are fun to play with even though Lovino says they’re just stupid half breeds whatever that means. But whenever he says that Matt cries and Alfred and Angelique beat him up.

Alfred is 8 like me and he’s really bossy and stuff but he’s still fun to play with. We always try to find the Atmosphere book that everyone keeps talking about but we can never find it. Matt is 7 and sometimes we forget that he’s there but he plays with us lots too. Angelique is 7 too and she’s always telling Alfred off for being stupid or annoying and she likes eating Grandpa’s fish stuff a lot. I think she’s adopted but Francis says that’s really none of my business when I ask him. Lovino says that means she’s a bastard and whenever he says that Grandpa makes him eat soap which tastes better than Arthur’s scones but is still gross.

Um…I think that’s it and I want pasta, but Lovino reminded me that we have a Second Cousin named Kathryn who’s from Romania and we’ve only met once when she came over to yell at Grandpa for some reason and Lovino and I had to hide in the closet again.

Okay that’s everyone so I’m going to go eat now.


Toris banged his head against his desk repeatedly. Become and Elementary School Teacher, they said. It will brighten up your life, they said. They forgot to mention that every child’s family in the area was freaking crazy in more ways than one.

Sometimes he really wished he went to dental school.

america, spain, rome, italy, my family, france/england, cuba, seychelles, canada, hetalia, romano

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