More World Cup

Jun 21, 2010 23:39

Round 2: More drabbles from the site of the World Cup: Argentina vs. South Korea, Greece vs. Nigeria, France vs. Mexico, Germany vs. Serbia, Australia vs. Ghana, Slovenia vs. USA, England vs. Algeria, Netherlands vs. Japan, Denmark vs. Cameroon, Italy vs. New Zealand, Chile vs. Switzerland, Spain vs. Honduras.
Word Count: 1,860

Argentina 4-1 South Korea

Korea just stared. He knew Argentina was good, but he might have forgotten just how good. Or maybe he just chose to ignore it. That was a mistake.

Oh well, he wasn’t out of this thing yet! And at least his boys managed to score a goal. Let’s see Greece try to top that!

Korea really hoped he didn’t.

Greece 2-1 Nigeria

Greece leaned back and smiled. He had won. More importantly he had come back from behind and won. Let’s see Turkey beat that, oh wait, he wasn’t even here. Point to Greece.

“Congratulations Greece-san,” he turned around to see Japan standing there smiling at him, “I’m glad you won, but, you know, if both of us come in second, we won’t be able to face each other until the final.”

Greece couldn’t help but smile back, “I guess I’ll see you there then.”

France 0-2 Mexico

France couldn’t believe it. He was in the final with Italy last time and lost on penalty kicks. He won this thing in ‘98. How could he lose now, to Mexico?

“Your time is up, old man,” Mexico chuckled, “Face it, this just isn’t your year.”

“I suppose it’s not…” he admitted.

“You even gonna be able to beat South Africa?”

“You tied South Africa.”

“My point.” Mexico smirked. France was annoyed.

He sighed and sat up. His team wasn’t playing like a team. His coach, well, quite frankly he hated the man, and his people were ashamed of them all.

“…I will most certainly try.”

Germany 0-1 Serbia

“The hell was that all about Spain?!” Prussia raged at his friend after the game in the locker room.

“Whatever do you mean Prussia?” the Spaniard asked innocently.

“You know what I fucking mean!” the albino grabbed Spain’s jersey and yanked him forward to glare at him more directly, “What the fuck was up with the yellow cards?”

“Maybe you should have played a cleaner game, Prussia.”

Germany decided it was probably best to go make sure no one else entered the locker room to get in the line of fire. Spain could handle whatever Prussia threw at him, he was sure, and if he couldn’t, well, those yellow cards were ridiculous…

Slovenia 2-2 USA

“Yes!!” America screamed as the ball sailed into the goal the third time that half. “You think you could beat me down, Slovenia? Hahaha! The Hero always comes from behind to win!”

Slovenia, for his part, looked shocked as his World Cup dreams slid away from him. America couldn’t blame him; his awesome did that to people most of the time.

Just as he was planning the perfect way to shove this in England’s face, he noticed the ref on the field, blowing his whistle and waving his arms, almost as if he was trying to disallow the goal. But that wasn’t right, because America knew his boys didn’t do anything wrong…

“No…What?!” the nation shouted as he tried to storm the field. The coach, three assistants, and half of the bench had to hold him back from storming the field and beating the crap out of the poor mortal ref.

“You can’t do that!” he shouted along with his fans, “You can’t just take my win from me!”

“Alfred, calm down,” someone, probably the coach, said in his ear, “This is only going to make things worse. We just have to deal with it and move on.”

Eventually America calmed down enough to be dragged back to the bench to watch the rest of the game, which ended in a tie, even though it should have been his.

He sighed. Well, he’d just have to beat Algeria all the more now. He really didn’t want to be in that guy’s shoes right now…

England 0-0 Algeria

England would have given anything to be in Algeria’s shoes right now. Or rather, just not his own.

To be able to have caught his boys on such an off day was truly a miracle that only came along once a century. It happened in 1950 against America (which was total bollocks, even the younger nation had admitted to that later) and apparently it had happened here.

He couldn’t look his team in the eye, even after they got booed off the field by their own fans. This was a low point for him, probably the lowest he’s ever been…football wise certainly, but this might be his all time lowest point.

“Oh, did Mr. I Invented the Game get his cute little butt handed to him?” France smirked when he finally left the locker room.

“Oh piss off frog,” England snapped, “at least I didn’t lose.”

“No, but you didn’t win, like Slovenia did. You didn’t even come close like America did,” he tutted, “face it Angleterre, this just isn’t your year.”

If France had expected him to just crawl in a hole after that statement, England was more than happy to prove him wrong.

Netherlands 1-0 Japan

Ah, well, Japan knew it was going to be tough to beat Netherlands. He would say that his friend was probably the biggest competition in the group, so he wasn’t terribly disappointed that he lost. At least he held him to one goal.

“Oi, Japan,” Netherlands called to him after the game ended, so Japan walked over to talk with him. The orange clad nation nervously stuck out his hand, “Good match.”

“Indeed,” Japan took his hand to shake it and beamed up at him, “Congratulations on winning the group.”

“Nothing’s official yet,” he scratched the back of his head, “If Cameroon beats Denmark and then me, well…”

“I’m sure, even if he does win, you’ll do splendidly in your next match.”

“Well, congratulations on getting second then.”

Japan frantically waved his arms in front of him. “It’s far too soon to congratulate me on such things, Netherlands-san!”

“Che,” he pulled out his pipe and a match to light it, “I know you. You’re not going to lose again.”

Japan had to agree with that.

Ghana 1-1 Australia

“Man!” Australia pumped his fists in the air, “That was one hell of a match mate!”

“Glad you enjoyed it at least,” Ghana huffed and turned away, “You don’t have to face Germany next with only four points.”

“Yeah, I already got thoroughly thrashed by him,” he laughed, “but he’s only got three points you know. You’re leading the group! Congrats!”

She gave him a look before turning away again.

“Don’t be like that mate. You’ve got a better chance than me of going on.”

“So you’re just giving up?”

“Hell no! I’ve still got a fighting chance. Of course, the emphasis is on the fighting there…”

“If that’s so,” she turned to grin at him, “then I will see you again in the finals?”

“Count on it, mate.”

Cameroon 1-2 Denmark

“Yes!” Denmark cheered as the final whistle blew, signaling that he still had a chance to advance after all. “Did you see that Norway? I’m still in this!”

“Congratulations Denmark,” Finland shouted back at him. Sweden nodded and gave him a smile while Iceland blew extra hard on his vuvuzela (where and why he got one Denmark had no idea). Norway made sure he had Denmark’s full attention before shooting him a congratulatory smile and swirling the Danish flag in his hand. Now that that was settled, there was one thing left to do.

“Hey Cameroon!” the larger nation was busy brooding off on the side of the field when Denmark ran over and shot out his hand, “Good game. Seriously dude, you played awesome!”

Cameroon nodded and shook the hand, “You did too.”

“Sorry you had to get knocked out,” he went on, “but hey, if one of us had to go on, I’m glad it was me!” he laughed. The African did not look very amused.

“I’ll bet.”

“You’ll give Netherlands hell right?” Denmark smirked, “I mean, just ‘cause you can’t advance doesn’t mean you have to make it easy for him? You know, upset him a little. Show him this tourney ain’t just a cakewalk,” he winked. Cameroon couldn’t help but smirk as well.

“I think I can do that.”

Italy 1-1 New Zealand

New Zealand couldn’t believe it. He tied Italy. He held the returning champions. He was lucky the bench was there or else he probably would have collapsed on the ground when his knees gave out after the final whistle.

Australia would probably take him out to celebrate. If England was drunk enough to forget his miseries, maybe he and America could come too…

“You bastard!” New Zealand turned his head to see a very angry Romano storming across the field towards him, “You know that fucking goal was offsides and yet you…” Oh no, he was getting closer.

“Fratello!” Veneziano shouted as he grabbed his brother from behind, “No! You can’t kill him yet!”

“I’ll do whatever I like! Damnit Veneziano, we shouldn’t have tied!”

“But Fratello, it’s alright!” the younger brother struggled to pull his brother back, “we can always get him later if he does manage to advance…”

Romano stopped in his tracks, “Right, of course,” before turning send New Zealand a smirk that sent shivers down his spine. “Don’t think this is over kid…” Both Italies walked away after that.

New Zealand gulped. Tying really wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Chile 1-0 Switzerland

Switzerland buried his head in his hands and shook his head. So many missed opportunities that should have resulted in goals…but alas, what had happened in the past was in the past. He was still ahead of Spain, and that was a place he would like to stay, lest he either fail to advance or worse, get second and have to face Brazil. His boys weren’t ready to face Brazil just yet.

“Bruder,” he heard a soft voice say. Switzerland looked up to see Liechtenstein standing there in a Swiss jersey, “are you going to be okay?”

“L-Liechtenstein! What are you doing here?”

“I came to support you,” she said softly as she played with the hem of the jersey, “I’m sorry I can’t do more to help you win…”

He grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. “No, it’s fine. This is enough.”

Spain 2-0 Honduras

Spain cheered as the final whistle blew, securing his victory. “Yes!” This was how it was supposed to be. He was a winner, so he was supposed to win like this. It was only natural.

“Nice job,” Prussia smirked as he entered the locker room, “You’ve still got Chile to go though.”

“Oh, I can take Chile,” Spain smiled, “He was my little henchman once upon a time you know.”

“So was Honduras. Hell, half the nations in this thing were once your henchmen.”

“No, just those two. And Romano. And Mexico.”

“Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, and Netherlands too, don’t forget them,” Prussia smirked at him, “they’ll probably be after your head like they always do. Argentina can actually take it this time! Kesese!”

“Don’t worry about me. I can handle myself.” The smile he gave Prussia was all the assurance of those words the former nation needed.

A/N: France vs. Mexico: France's team is not very organized. And everyone in France hates the coach or so I've been told. One of the players stormed off the field recently and the coach quit. In short, France is screwed. Germany vs. Serbia: The goalie for that game was indeed Spanish. Take it for what you will. Slovenia vs. USA: My reaction, actually, minus the storming on the field part. Hard to do that when you're an ocean away. Ghana vs. Australia: I seem to recall Ghana being one of Seychelles's classmates in the Gauken game, so technically she's not an OC although she kinda sorta is... Italy vs. New Zealand: Tbh I might be horribly depressed if/when New Zealand does show up, because I've fallen in love with my headcannon!personality for him. XD

america, korea, spain, cameroon, australia, greece, fanfic, prussia, liechtenstein, new zealand, netherlands, world cup, germany, denmark, england, italy, japan, switzerland, france, hetalia, romano

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