I've had this blank page up on my computer all day, thinking I'd figure out what to say. So far, it hasn't happened.
The other day
drood wrote on FriendFace and IG to encourage everyone to write out their thoughts during these days. The world as we knew it is changing; many things will not go back to the way they were. Workplaces that just weeks ago were claiming they'd never envision a time when they'd allow their staff to work from home are now scrambling to make that happen. Food is getting harder to find - and will only continue to do so as production slows and the channels of distribution become harder to complete.
"But that's not what I came to tell you about. I came to talk about the draft."
Well, not exactly. But it's the line that often comes to mind when I spiral off into unrelated tangents.
I'm still at werk. I work for a University Press, one that publishes about 120 books a year, most of which you've never heard of. I don't put us high on the list of Essential Businesses, but our CFO (my boss) and the Director had a hard idea understanding how I and my desktop guy could ever work from home. (Despite the fact that most staff were working from home. Including the Director.) I wrote up a decidedly professional description of how it would work. Then I waited. My boss finally asked if we could wait on the plan until all of the newly purchased PCs were set up and given to the necessary staff to take home. Sure.
Desktop Guy and I will be splitting days: He'll be in a day; I'll work from home that day. The next day he'll work from home and I'll be in the office. We'll do that until the governor issues a Stay at Home Order or the University officially shuts down all of their buildings.
I didn't really come here to talk about any of that, either, though. (
basefinder asked, so I figured I'd fill in some of the details here)
I'll try to get to all of that tomorrow.