Maggie Turns 17

Apr 22, 2014 12:37


Last July I wrote about how the last of our original five cats, Maggie, wasn't doing well. What we thought might be her last days instead turned out to be an indication of her inability to tolerate certain foods. Certain of her favorite foods.

She had already shown she couldn't tolerate shrimp any longer, something I still don't think she fully admits to. (Or maybe she just wants us to feel guilt any time we eat shrimp around her.) Back in July the problem turned out to be her favorite part of her morning rituals: cream. Bonn would make tea in the morning and give Maggie a small saucer of cream. They had done this for years without any problem. Now cream makes her miserable for 3-5 days straight. She won't eat or drink anything -- something that can be deadly for a cat.

We have her off all dairy now, meaning no cheese, no butter, no whipped cream. She still cries out for her cream in the morning (and by "cries out" I mean "demands in a highly annoyed voice") and we have to keep an eye on any plate that has had butter on it.

This past Sunday was Easter, which means it was also her birthday. She enjoyed a baked chicken in her honor, although she did point out that it wasn't grilled, which is her favorite.

I will be very happy if she outlives us all.

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