
Feb 23, 2005 17:58

Faith turned the engine off to her bike, unhooking her helmet and taking it over her head before sliding off the bike and putting it on the seat where she'd just sat. Running a hand through her hair, she shook her slightly curly hair from it's semi-flattened state. "Fuckin' helmet. Don't even know why I gotta wear the thing." She muttered to herself, rolling her eyes and starting towards the door of her house.

"Because we prefer you alive," Willow answered Faith's question from Giles' stoop. "Or at least most of us do." Unable to help herself Willow grinned. "So, this is the part where I get to say 'long time no see' right?"

Lifting her eyes as she heard the familiar voice, Faith grinned, realizing Willow was there and had heard her talking to herself. Stopping where she stood, she gave a shrug. "Hey, you can say whatever you gotta say Red." She smirked, teasing the other girl. "But yeah, it's been awhile."

"Whatever I want to say," Willow mused, her voice teasing as she took the steps to join Faith. "Well then how about I am glad you are back safe. And," she added with a proud grin. "Productive as well. Wes told me about all the information you two gathered and that you brought home a new Slayer too."

"Yeah that gate shit is gettin' all kinds of heavy. I don't think any of us knew how crazy it was gonna get. I mean, damn, Vegas? Guess they don't call it 'Sin City' for nothin' huh?" She smirked, reaching into her jacket and pulling out her pack of cigarettes. Tapping the pack against her hand, she removed one and put it to her lips. Fishing her lighter out, she held the flame to the end and inhaled. As she exhaled the smoke into the air, she wondered what else Wesley had told the witch. "So, Wes told you about the Slayer huh? I totally forgot she even came back with us. Let's just say it was one fucked up trip." She rolled her eyes and took another drag.

Willow stepped slightly out of the path of the smoke, because while she had burned many, many less than fragrant things in her magical career, she had never built up a tolerance to the odor of cigarettes. Still, Willow continued to smile at Faith. "Well," she added with a grin."I wouldn't use that last descriptive, but I can think of a few others."

Faith laughed, shrugging. "You know me though, I put the color in colorful vocabulary or whatever it's called." She furrowed her brow in slight confusion, wondering if she'd said that right. Shaking it off, she looked at Willow with a grin. "So was you headin' home? I can give you a ride if you want."

"Hmmm," Willow shook her head thinking. "Maybe a walk instead? That way we can talk." Willow patted the seat of the bike. "Sort of hard to hear over this thing. Besides, I am trying to figure out if you think I already know, or weren't going to tell me at all." Another soft smile graced Willow's features.

A frown crossed her face and she looked away, taking a drag of her cigarette and silently cursing Wesley to herself. Damn. Had to tell Red didn't ya Wes? "Alright, so let's walk." Sighing, she looked back at Willow as they began their walk back towards Willow's shop. "So, Wes told ya? Wasn't like I was tryin' to hide it or nothin'." She looked down at her boots. "Just ain't somethin' I'm runnin' around braggin' about."

"Oh," Willow said softly, sending a glance Faith's way. "Wes wasn't bragging or anythinglike that." She shifted her stride to move past a couple walking down the sidewalk in the other direction. "Actually it was more of a questioning. Illyria sort of sensed -- certain things about your trip to Vegas, and it all went downhill from there. Especially for Wes, and from what I hear, you." Willow turned her head to study Faith. "I meant to ask that right away. Are you all right?"

"Come on now Red, when have you ever known somebody to get one over on me? I mean, even B tried to take me out, but did she? I might've been in a coma for 8 months, but he, still here." Faith smirked, taking another drag and flipping the cigarette off to her opposite side, away from them both. "Gonna take a lot more than some overgrown smurf to kick my ass. We both know that much." She instinctively shoved her hands in her pockets as they walked along.

"I know," Willow laughed a little. "I know. It's know never mind. I know. And you seem hearty enough now, so even what I don't know I can see." Willow worked to keep in stride with Faith. "And just so you know, I missed you while you were gone." It was true, they had arrived in London together, and when Faith had been in Las Vegas, the city simply hadn't felt the same. Of course Faith did tend to have that affect on things.

A genuine grin crossed Faith's face, one she was unable to control. The other girl's words had made her feel something. She wasn't sure what, but it felt nice. It wasn't often that words elicited any type of emotion in the Slayer, but these had. She glanced over at Willow, her grin turning to her
infamous smirk. "Never thought I'd hear those words come outta your mouth. Then again, never thought a lot of things about me and you that have went down. Guess that whole 'never say never' thing is like some kinda theme for us or somethin'." She shrugged, looking back ahead as they walked down the sidewalk. "I dunno, I guess what I"m tryin' to say here is maybe I mighta missed you to. You know, bein' that the last time I seen you, you was all with the kissin' and ...I should just shut up now. Anyway, so anything else new in your life? Heard Smurfette was shackin' up at your place now."

"We have come a long way since Sunnydale haven't we," Willow acknowledged, a faint blush creeping over her cheeks. But for the first time in a long while the word 'Sunnydale' hadn't made that painful sense of loss raise up only to sit firmly in her gut. "And I have managed to keep busy. Wes asked if Illyria could stay with me while you two were in Vegas, and somehow I don't see her leaving even now that everyone is back. Not that we have had that conversation. The shop is open and doing well, and I am still working on perfecting a spell that Giles requested, this boring? Or rambling?"

Faith laughed as Willow started babbling. "Nah, it ain't boring. I've kinda got used to the whole babblin' thing you do. So, it's cool." And kinda cute. She thought, smirking to herself. I so did not just even think the word cute. What the fuck is wrong with that picture? What the fuck is wrong with me is more like it. "Big spell for Giles? He never told me nothin' about it. But, all I've pretty much said to him since I got back was to get this fucked up marriage thing annulled. Then I kinda went off on the stickin' to myself thing. You know...." She shrugged, yet again. "Same ol' me. Some things never change." She smiled, a little sadly at that statement, but quickly covered it. "So your shop's doin' good. That's cool Willow, it really is. Makes me all proud of you or somethin'" She teased lightly.

Willow nodded into the breeze that seemingly appeared from nowhere, whipping into her hair. "I've been working on it for a while now, not long after you left for Vegas actually. When the next Gate opens we will be on the offensive - and I mean more than the well placed insult. I don't mind saying this spell will pack quite a punch. Probably the most complicated thing I have done since that last spell in Sunnydale." It was nice, talking to Faith again. Willow's footsteps continued ahead, lighter from her time with Giles and Faith. "Proud, or somethin?" Willow echoed with a grin. "I must remember to write that down later."

"Round two of beaucoup d'mojo huh? And I'm guessin' you're up for it and all?" Faith questioned lightly, more out of concern than anything. Especially after the whole Council thing she'd rescued the other girl from. "Just wanna make sure you ain't pushin' yourself. Or doin' somethin' just because they're pushin' you to." She shrugged, then rolled her eyes as Willow tried to mimic her. "Give it up, Red. Ghetto speak ain't your thing. Stick with the babblin' and the Willow speak you got goin' on."

"I am ready. Or at least I think I am, which I decided recently that a little doubt can actually be a good thing," Willow conceded truthfully. "A little self concern can go a long way to control. So no worry there. You won't have to come to the rescue and take me down for the third time in your career. No Dark, I promise," Willow smiled up at Faith. "This is the all Willow show. One hundred percent natural." She couldn't help but laugh at her own conclusion. "And how was that for Willow speak?"

Faith watched Willow speak, a new calm and strength about her. It made her proud. Comforted her in a way she didn't even understand. "Wait a minute. So let me see if I'm gettin' this. Doubt is good?" She raised her eyebrow, unsure if she was hearing things right. "Since when?" A smirk covered the confusion as she stepped out of the way of an oncoming pedestrian and then fell back into step beside Willow. "No rescue and take down. Damn, you just gotta take all a girl's fun away." Reaching inside her jacket as they walked, her fingers grasped around her pack of cigarettes and then she decided against smoking at that moment and pulled her hand back out. "What? You want a gold star or somethin' for the Willow speak?" The Slayer teased, laughing. It felt good to just hang out and not have any expectations or anything looming over her for once.

"Doubt," Willow also moved side to let the stranger pass between them. "Keeps me thinking. Questioning even the questions. It was when I stopped asking them that I went and got...questionable. That and a little veiny. And that is the friendly version. I am not saying to let the doubt paralyze, because to much questioning can do that. Just see my stint at the Council for a great, bad example. But you can't forget they are there." Willow shrugged at her own ramble. "And I always like gold stars. Self proclaimed 'nerd' remember? There are just some things you don't let go of."

"Guess I just never pay attention to 'em. That or I just don't have any doubts. Never really had no reason to. Well, okay, so I guess I did. But that was a whole different sitch." Faith looked a little thoughtful for a moment as she referred to her past. All those doubts about herself she'd had. Whether or not she'd ever make it through. Make amends. A small smile crossed her face as she realized just how far she'd came since those days. "Maybe I do get what you're sayin'. Ya know, I really hate it when you make me think and shit. And especially when you make sense." She laughed, shaking her head in mock annoyance. She patted her pockets and looked back over at Willow. "Fresh outta gold stars. Guess I'll have to owe ya." She winked with a smirk.

Reaching the door to the shop, Willow stopped outside noticing that the door had been locked and everything closed up securely. Thanks, Illy! Okay, Willow couldn't help but laugh a little. Just where had that come from? "Well the making sense takes a lot of practice, at least on my end. So I always have to celebrate when it actually works." She paused to think dramatically. "No stars then? Do I keep that debt, make you sigh a voucher and everything? Or do I trade it in for a hug, right now?" Not giving Faith an opportunity to offer an opinion, Willow hugged her friend right then and there, on the still crowded street. "Missed you," Willow repeated from before, pulling away. "And consider that a debt paid."

"Man, I leave for awhile and all I get is a hug." Faith pretended to be insulted, then her trademark smirk appeared and she returned the hug. "Guess I'll take what I can get. But now if you wanted to offer more, I wouldn't turn it down either..." She saw Willow's look and laughed. "Okay, we're cool then. Debt paid. But, you knew I'd have to throw somethin' in there." She gave her a knowing look and a grin. "Don't think I'll ever let you forget that one. And bein' that you're here, I should..." She jutted her thumb over her shoulder. "...take off, let you get inside and settled in or whatever." She tucked her hands back into her pockets, rocking back on her heels a little.

"Right," Willow nodded, her voice warm with laughter. "Time to get back to that spell, and the Shop, and oh yes my roommate upstairs. But don't be a stranger," Willow said with plain honesty. "Or even a non-stranger who disappears for way long stretches of time. In other words," Willow paused to do just that. Look for the words. "Don't disappear on me." In all the ways that you can. Willow smiled, big and bright. "Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it." Faith replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "I won't make with the vanishin' act on ya." She smirked, thinking for a minute before continuing. "Unless I feel like I really gotta take off. Then, I can't make no promises. Never really had nobody I had to answer to, Red. And even when I did, I never bothered. So, some habits? Kinda hard to break." She answered honestly. "But, I'll do my best." Giving the wiccan a genuine smile, she looked down then back up before she turned to leave. "And good luck on that spell, even though I know you won't need it." And with that, she turned and walked back in the direction they'd just came.
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