Gettin' Bored and Movin' On (posted to now_ish

Jan 31, 2005 00:36

I got real bored watchin’ the zombies kick the shit outta Spike and Dru. It was fun for awhile, but once you’ve watched the damage for awhile and ain’t part of it, it kinda gets old. Besides I had some other business I wanted to take care of.

I stood there, watchin’ the undead fight the undead for a couple more minutes before I decided to take off. I stepped forward, yellin’ over the punches, breakin’ bones and snappin’ necks.

“As much fun as it is watchin’ my boys kick your ass, I’m thinkin’ it’s time for me to take off. Got more pressin’ issues to take care of. So, try to have fun and play nice.”

Laughin’ sarcastically, I pulled out a smoke and turned on heel to leave. Spike and Dru was all taken care of. Darla was another issue. One I’d definitely deal with later.

Right now I had somethin’, no someone else to deal with.


Where the fuck was he? Figured my little stunt woulda brought him runnin’. Sounds of chaos, smell of blood, somethin’. But still no Angelus. Damn. Guess I was gonna have to go lookin’ for him myself.

I lit my cigarette and made my way back down the hall.

“Come out, come out wherever you are….”

Mumblin’ mostly to myself as I trailed my hand along the wall, feelin’ quite proud of my little zombie attack on the little so called family. Hope Angelus was pleased. No, wait. He would be. If not, he’d best learn to be.

I was the boss now.

Damn, maybe even Angelus would have to wait. I was wicked hungry. That little geek definitely didn’t hit the spot. Maybe I need to head out and do a little hunting first. Yeah. I’d find him later.

First things first.

Think I had a cravin’ for somethin’ in brunette. Tight little body. Yeah, that’d do.

Hell, maybe even two. I was in the mood for some action.

Then torture. Then comes the killin’.
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