ooc: meme - FML

Jun 14, 2009 16:54

[[ooc: Mad spoilers for Buffy if you haven't seen it but it's all in her history anyway.]]


Started having crazy Slayer dreams about some dead Slayer and her daughter who is also my imaginary friend. FML.
Mom died. FML.
Possessed by imaginary friend's mother who wanted revenge. FML.
Branded with the Mark of the Father. FML.
Watcher killed by the Father. FML.
Buffy doesn't trust me. FML.
New Watcher - Gwendolyn Post - abused my trust for help with evil scheme. FML..
Accidentally killed deputy mayor Allan Finch. FML.
Strangled Xander when he came to try and help me. FML? FML.
New Watcher - Wesley Wyndham-Pryce - heard about my crime and rocked up to arrest me with operatives from the Watchers Council. FML.
Became right-hand man to mayor Richard Wilkins III. FML.
Mayor Wilkins became daddy figure and we got all affectionate and emotional. FML.
Killed people and kidnap[ed Willow under the orders of Wilkins. FML.
Tried to rob Angel of his soul then shot him with a poisoned arrow to cause maximum suffering and distract Buffy from Mayor Wilkins Ascension. FML.
Buffy arrived to kill me so she could drain my blood to heal Angel but instead stabbed me in the belly with my knife from the Mayor. FML.
I jumped from the apartment roof to escape from Buffy, landed on a moving truck and wound up in a coma for eight months. FML.
Found out that Mayor Wilkins is dead. FML.
Escaped from the police, threatened Buffy's mom and fought Buffy then used a magical device to switch bodies with her. FML.
Flirted with Spike and slept with Buffy's idiot army boy boyfriend Riley. FML.
Saved churchgoer hostages from vampires instead of escaping. LML?
Beat the hell out of my own body while in Buffy's body. FML. FML hard.
Kidnapped and tortured Wesley to show Angel my evil side. FML.
Begged Angel to kill me but he refused. FML very very hard.
Angel tried to fix me by forgiving me but then Buffy showed up for revenge and the Watcher's Council showed up to kill me. FML.
Surrendered to the police and went to jail - 3 meals a day and the occasional movie. FML? LML? IDK MY BFF.
Agent of The First named Debbie tried to kill me in prison. Buffy and co never told me about the dangers. FML.
Wesley asked me to help restore Angel's soul. Break out of prison to do that. FML.
Went on a psychic mind walk with Angel after taking Orpheus. Almost die but convinced not to give up because for us the act of atonement never ends. FML.
Went to Sunnydale with Willow to help Buffy. FML.
Buffy was happy to see me. Not. LML.
Ended up leading the Potentials after we lost confidence in Buffy. FML.
First attack as leader took the Potentials into a trap. FML.
Badly wounded but Buffy saved me. FML.
Buffy defended me when the Potentials got bitchy about the whole deal and we made up. FML LML FML LML. I think.
The First fucked with my head dolled up like Mayor Wilkins. FML.
Hooked up with Principal Woods. LML.
Defeated The First. LML.
Robin almost died but actually lived. LML.


Woke up in crazy house full of kids right after being on the bus after defeating The First. FML.
Had an argument with some bitch called Ziva. LML.
Powers weakened. FML.
Tried to break out of the basement but it failed and I dreamt about home. FML.
Had a mini breakdown after falling in love with Ziva for a week after dreaming about home. Ziva saw me and tried to have some girly bonding moment. FML.
Got to kill zombies. LML.
Zombie apparently killed me and Angel and Cordy were there. FML.
Angel and Cordy disappeared. FML.
Had a baby with some guy called Lavi. FML.
Ended up telling the truth for a week. FML.
Ziva bitched me out during the truth week. FML.
Had another breakdown. Beat up housemates, staff, a bed and some walls. FML.
Stuck in some high school crazy week and cut class only to get my ass glued to a seat in my cheerleader uniform. FML.
Willow showed up but disappeared. FML.
Went back home and married Robin in Vegas*. FML.
Had another breakdown. FML.
Beat the shit out of Ziva. LML.
Almost got carried away and killed Ziva. FML.

*Faith believes she went home that week when she had her dream punishment.

meme, ooc

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