Aug 03, 2005 10:44
Everything I know about college I learned in 6th grade from reading Sweet Valley U books. Everyone goes in with their core high school group still in tact, even if a few members have managed to "recreate" themselves over the summer into a skinnier, sexier version of themself. These friends, that you pretty much have to have to even think about surviving your first weeks, will remain your fallback throughout your four years. Everyone will plede to a soroity and its pretty much life or death if you don't get in the right one. Sexy art history TAs will want to seduce you and you can date the football hero star even if you are a dorky journalism major because he secretly has a soft side. I've decided that I'll probably be Chole, the "msifit, rebel" from the twins sophomore year at the U. She tried to hard to be different and at the same time please everyone, allienating herself from everyone even though she pledged Jess' sorority. She also lied. Alot. But not in a bad way, just in a way that made her seem more interesting.
I have less than two weeks now before I go off to college for the first time. And I'm not looking forward to four years of brainwashing consumer report groups, murderous men who think I look like an unpure former girlfriend, girls who want to steal my life and boyfriend, TAs that have secret lives, almost sex in NY cabs, cop boyfriends/husbands that go and get themselves paralyzed, drug-dealing boyfriends that mooch off of me.
Or course I also have Bruno telling me "they lie when they say these are the best years you'll have, this sucks."