Mar 22, 2007 08:34
Q. Why didn't I get accepted ?
A. It could be various of reasons , be specific and ask why YOU didn't get accepted,
Q. How do I know when my graphics are done ?
A. I will post a new post letting you know your graphics are done. When I do so you will need to pick up your graphic(s) and let me know it has been picked up, comment on the post to do so.
Q. What happens if I don't follow a rule ?
A. Every consequence is on the extended rule page. Every rule is stated and beside it are the consequences.
Q. How do I know when you're feeling like doing a pet or text only icon ?
A. You can either make a new post asking me or you can comment on any post I have posted asking , I'll eventually answer you letting you know weather I will do it or not.
Q. Why won't you do text only/pet icons ?
A. Simply because with an animal icon I can't really get creative and I just don't know almost every animal icon I have done comes out like shit. I don't do text only icons because I lack creativity for that background and really don't have a photo to work with. I learned how to do icons with photos so I'm sticking with that.
any other question you might have please feel free to comment here so it can be added to the FAQ's