Apr 18, 2004 19:49
Ladies and Gentlemen my first ever entry. I thought i would try it out since some of my freinds have them so here i am. Today was alright went to work at 4:30 in the morning, had a good hot airballoon flight. Had to walk halfway home then this guy i work with gave me a ride the rest of the way. Still sick, which sucks ass. I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything (stole it from lindsays journal.) Me and omar got in a litte verbal fight today but i dont care anymore because he treats us like shit compared to kristin. There is a girl i like, we will leave her nameless for now, but she ahs a boyfriend which blows but we flirt so who knows. well my hotdogs are done so im out for now, How was my first entry?