don't do work twice entry

Jul 28, 2011 02:50

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hi, Marilynn.

I did an experiment to see why I had so many high percentage OkCupid matches in the Portland, Oregon, area. I took a look at the zip code layout for Portland and selected a code that corresponded to the zip code location where I live, the NE section off of the downtown center. The following represents the total matches in a 25-mile radius and helps to explain the match disparity:


Grand Rapids/67
Portland, OR/668

Proportionately, then, the female population of Portland wouldn’t care for me anymore than the local participants, but at least the greater population to chose from would increase my opportunities. Given the denser Portland population, my competition would be in greater numbers as well.

Regarding the profile I mailed you: In this business, a non-response to a personals ad should be treated as a rejection. (James will confirm this unstated rule of personals ettiquette, if you show him this letter.) Both parties have the option to meet each other in person or cautiously assess the creep factor via email beforehand. Repeated email transmissions to someone who neither knows me nor apparently cares to destines my efforts to automatic deposition into the SPAM [unwanted and unopened email] folder. In other words, it would be about as productive as sending my own profile out in the business reply envelopes of companies soliciting new business. [ha, ha.]

Trust me on this. If I decide to raise my annoyance to the single women in Grand Rapids, I won’t stop until I have five personal protection orders with my name on them. Let’s not make a bet on this. Winning the bet on my popularity at the BOB flattered me not at all. The indifference at the BOB I predicted. However, I don’t want to increase the calls to crisis hot lines by following your exhortation to not give up on her, albeit James might thank me for the increase in business in fractured lives restorations.

When I truly undergo the personality transformation that you accuse me of, I shall become a stalker, pounding on the door of my prey, calling at all ungodly hours of the daytime, trombone-serenading below her bedroom window. I don’t think you want that to happen. I’ll stick to being the introverted personality that I’m used to.

I have some good news about my neighbor: The household to the east started up their central air conditioning unit this summer. The husband pulled the cover off the unit a day before the previous cool spell a few weeks ago. In fact, he started the unit while cooler weather arrived, missing most of the very hot weather. Since then, they used it on hot days and not-so hot days. The prediction of hot, humid air returning will make the it worth the money.

To refresh your memory, restarting the hitherto unused air conditioner relieves me only because they keep most of their windows closed in the hottest weather. I counted only three windows open during the hottest weather. I might do fine without air conditioning, but I don’t endorse family torture by stifling indoor air. From the single open kitchen window on my side, I could hear their two-year old daughter’s frustrated crying. Peevish toddlers don’t worry me, but she seems to cry more often than Brian and Victor together. The sauna indoors might have contributed to her irritability. Anyway, with their windows shut, I hear nothing at all now.

As for my house, I opened ten windows on the ground level and three in the attic. I should include my evident appreciation for freshly polluted air in my personals profile, eh?

The Meijer inventory went fine. I came in late because I read the schedule wrong, but nobody complained.

Norma has a nice animal. I took her outside while Norma and the representative for Sheltie Rescue went over the rules. Back inside, the two of us dropped down on the floor to wait out the ending orientation. This bitch can be trained, although food doesn‘t motivater her. Unfortunately, Norma sent me some email in which she boasted that she generated “happy barks” by squealing and jumping up down in front of her pet. With any luck, Diamond will have learned non-neurotic behavior from her previous owner. The sad thing is that Norma previously asked me about what she could do to have a neurosis-free pet. I told her, but she obviously didn’t understand. I have no hope that she ever will. I ponder the decision about what to say about Norma’s desire to elicit barking through childish antics.

I think little of adults, for that matter, who enjoy making children squirm by poking or tickling. (Josh used to do that to Alonna when their relationship finally grew closer. Alonna seemed to regard it as affection, so what do I know?)

Diamond has a strict diet to lose weight. She doesn’t waddle, but her previous owner took her for a walk only until she took a dump and then right back inside.

Yay, rain. I read extra stuff today. I’ve been picking up authors recommended by others. I’ve generally found them lacking and returned them unfinished. Today, the extra time indoors matched me with a light novel I could finish.

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