From Dusk Till Dawn=The Greatest Movie ever. This movie stomps so much ass it's rediculous. It starts out like a typical Quenten Tarranteno movie, shooting cops in the head, lighting people on fire, blowing up liquor stores, disembowelments, kidnappings and Juliette Lewis in a bikini. Then they get to Mexico and see Salma Hayek strip and then when you think it cant get any better BAM! Vampires, yes this movie randomly turns from a killing spree movie to the most awesome vampire movie ever. These vampires rule. The bite these asshole's heads off and throw them around. At one point some big dude takes 4 vampire strippers and slams them all through individual table lags, and the whole time there's some kick ass band playing instruments made out of human torsos, IT KICKS ASS! This scene rules, it is by far the best 10 minutes in cinema history. Then George Clooney, Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis and some fat asian kid take on an entire vampire army with water guns and jackhammers with wooden stakes on the end of them. Then while you're thinking this movie cannot get any better, Geprge Clooney rips some dude's head off and then BAM! Werewolves. This movie rules so much I couldnt stop pooping myself while watching it.
Look at these pussy vampires. You get none of that in this kick-assery.
Anchorman, If you havent seen this movie and want to I suggest you eat a whole crap load of Mexiacn food because you're gonna shit yourself. When he drinks Scotch, you shit yourself. When Brian rubs the Panteher cologne on himself, you shit yourself. When Will Ferrell has a boner, you shit yourself. When he drinks milk, you shit and piss yourself. Be sure to keep eating because nothing is worse that having to shit and not having any shit left.
Well now, this is possibly one of my last livejournals. My next update will probably be around August 5-6. When I come home i'm probably gonna make and enhance the ass-kickery. If I dont make any more updates let me leave you with these words of wisedom. Fuck Ann Coulter, Martin Lawrence, Dead People, Emo Kids, Dead People, Whales, Artists, Spelling Bees, People with mental disorders, Courtney Love, Dinosaurs, Republicans, Democrats, Music Fascists, Terry Schiavo, Womanists, Michael Jackson accusers, the young boys Michael Jackson never molested, Rap Stars, Children, Liberty From Degrassi and from my first rant The Kidz(s) Bop Kids(z).
Actually this wont be my last entry. I'll still update it normally, but only after August 6. Now lets do the list of things I love, Zebra Cakes! You have stood by me like a long lost friend. And myself, without I would be so damn awesome. I love myself.