Jun 24, 2006 11:17
"WOODBRIDGE Moving Sale Sat 6/24 8-3 Furn, HH items, lawn mowers, books, toys, bikes, Horse pack, lots more! 25 Dillon Road off Routes 63/69"
Above is the ad that ran in the Amity Observer for the tag sale that Jessie and I had scheduled for today, the tag sale that we had been planning for weeks, the tag sale that has been responsible for broken nails and wet clothes (from hosing off dusty garage items) and way too much time listing, pricing, and ruminating.
But the ad has two problems. Problem One: There is no such thing as "horse pack." Jessie told the ad lady on the phone that we would be selling lots of "horse tack," but since it was over the phone, and since the lady clearly wasn't a horse person (and let's face it, "horse tack" is a really, really dumb phrase), she ran it as "horse pack." So it is possible that ad readers thought that we were non-native English speakers featuring a real live pack horse at our sale. Problem Two: The ad did not say "rain or shine" in it, nor did it offer a rain date. Jessie and I couldn't decide whether or not to plan a rain date, so we opted to just say nothing and pray for sun. Unfortunately, there is no sun, nor will there be for the next week or so. In fact, I was woken up at 7 this morning by the sound of torrential rain pelting the air conditioner outside the window. So, no go on the tag sale...we are working on rescheduling, which we really should do because we are unemployed and poor. We did manage to sell a riding lawnmower for $200 in a magnificent presale venture, and we will probably also sell a large dog bed and a push lawnmower ahead of time. So we're already in the black.
Outside of the whole tag sale insanity thing, I am mostly just reading, watching Veronica Mars, and working on becoming employed. On Wednesday I had my first real live job interview, at Scholastic in New York. It was a pain to find an outfit, and a pain to get in, but I did pretty well, got to get Magnolia cupcakes, AND got mistaken for a real live New Yorker (I was dressed THAT shnazzily). Unfortunately, they say that an interview should be as much about you interviewing the company as it is about the company interviewing you. And the company did not do particularly well. They were pretty disorganized and not knowledgeable, and they're making me come back on Monday to interview with another guy, who I was supposed to speak with while I was there on Wednesday, but decided to just skip out on that meeting and disappear. No one seemed to think it was a big deal to ask me to pay the $30-$40 to come back 5 days later, nor did anyone apologize to me for the inconvenience. So I'm not thinking too highly of Scholastic, nor am I thinking too highly of New York (well, except for the cupcake part), since it was so crowded and hot and difficult when I went in, but I'm worried that I will regret not finishing up with this interview, since it's my only real lead right now, and it will give me more practice interviewing, commuting by myself, and dealing with people. Jessie's stepdad David thinks I should only go if they agree to reimburse me for my travel expenses, and I think I agree, if by "travel expenses" we're talking train, subway, and a couple more cupcakes.