yes, i am very much in college right now.

Apr 20, 2011 23:52

I'm feeling betterish than I was feeling earlier today. You know how sometimes you have a giant mountain of stuff you're obligated to get done and it seems utterly overwhelming until you just start and put yourself to the first task and it takes a little while and maybe it's boring or it's slow going or you know you're not doing it as well as (under optimal circumstances) you're really capable of doing it, but it gets done, truly, and then you still have a giant mountain of other stuff but it isn't as intimidating and impossible-seeming anymore? Yeah, that was my evening. I am a writer of essays, y'all! Not necessarily the best, most insightful and eloquent essays that ever a college undergraduate did present to a professor of English literature, but essays all the same. (Adequate in length and reasonably coherent.)

Remembering to take care of my body helps, too. I really do forget to eat sometimes (or lose track of time and miss the cafeteria's lunch/dinner hours, which amounts to pretty much the same thing for me because I don't cook when I'm at school, or have a fridge)-- more dangerously, I forget to drink actual water and not just things that are liquid beverages but are also quite dehydrating. Then I end up irritable, confused, and prone to fainting if, say, I stand up from a chair too quickly. Ridiculous. But I've eaten dinner, and not too much coffee with it, and there was even a salad involved, and I ate almost all the lettuce this time instead of just picking out the croutons.

When I first heard about "the Tea Party," I sincerely thought that it was some kind of whimsical movement for the promotion of, um, literal tea parties. Probably elaborate ones! With attendees dressed in Victorian or Edwardian clothes, or maybe as characters from Alice in Wonderland! It was a very exciting few minutes before somebody set me straight, and I still think my version is lots cooler than the real one.

(...I realize that that's two stories in a row about how I am one of the ditziest semi-independent adult human beings you know, so let me make it three; three is a nice number. Three days ago, I put a dress on the right way around, but I forgot to fasten it correctly, so the fit was off, so I thought I had it on backwards, so I took it off and put it on again so that it was really on backwards. And then I had to start all over.)

mutterings, on a good day, words

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