say yes say yes say yeeeeesss

Aug 24, 2004 01:44






I just read the pick's LJ and i wanted to cry :( because I miss her and I think that fighting and hatred should not be wasted over tanks tops.
espicially when there was a big hurricane a comming and it could have blown her and her puppy away
"HEY GIVE ME THAT TANK TOP" thats for you see im pointing my finger and tapping my TV screen toe


andrew wrote in his lJ and i was taken aback, im proud of you

So i saw my red head cuz for the first time in soo long and tomorrow we are going to red white and blue!! yay! cuz cuz fun time! tis fun!

way too many ! points in that last sentence.

so tonite was fun and i heart my bdffs and i miss them even though i have seen them so much in the past 2 weeks!

So im back in the jersey state and i suppose its oook

i miss my sis and B and nyc

B= Bruno hes my "homeboy"

I had a funny nite the other nite, i was called a snowflake and then picked up someone elses contacts it was funny

I miss New York :(
I miss sister sister fun time with the Big sis
I miss Carla Tate and Daniel McMan everynite
I miss choc chip cook dough
I miss sneaking Julies food when we dont have any
I miss meeting sis after shes off work
I miss the man on 52nd whos eternally selling batteries
I miss the make up and contacts laying on the 2nd floor
I miss sharing a bed with sis and sleeping on top of the radiator cover
I miss B
I miss John Cuszack movies
"Im talking about a total MAniaCccC"
"Listen to the song, its a really good song"
I miss renting movies and sitting on our butts
I miss making plans for fun things to do but not doing them EVER
I miss the park by our apt
I miss sitting in Bryant park on the water foutain
I miss unlimited subway passes
I miss that horrible day that we went to Coney Island
I miss the french vanielle cappichinos from the 9th ave gormet deli
I miss the roof
I miss sharing clothes
I miss mollys con's that I always stole
I miss calling that person Avious
I miss text messaging when im not aloud to
I miss jamming out to the stereo
I miss eatinf take out everynite instead of buying real food
I miss Reniassanse
I miss cookie shakes and cheeseburger deluxes
I think I miss that the most
actually I lied I miss being roomies with my sis the most:(

until next year

I had an awesome summer except i could have a little more beach added in there, maybe even surfing like we were suppose to learn

anyway I must go now

Andrew keeps crying about how I have to call him back so he doesnt fall asleep on the keyboard and make the computer beep at him and he keeps LoL'ing at me and its annoying but hes the best so its ok

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