May 04, 2004 23:42
"Im half awake listening to you breath"
I took the best nap on my life yesterday and it was with you and it was nice smiling
I live 2 lives...
formal is in less then 2 weeks
senior pictures next week
ahhh I better not get any lurkers
I havent danced in a week and Im going to class tomorrow and english class isnt as bad as usual its all good
I need to sign up for SATs cause I do
SIS come home soon
I have nothing exciting to say people my life is turinging into such a bore
AB is hurted and so is AP im sorry for you :(
Ed's Im is blinking on my screen-stop
I think im getting sick again
Molly your list was cute
pick come massage me please
Im too tired to make odes to anyone tonite
I need to tan
Im tired
your not on and im not going to be anymore
so good nite
red head the GAP sucks quite please
XwhycantuseemeX: i never wanted to not like them
XwhycantuseemeX: but they gave me no choice
ahhh working stinks tomorrow I have off im so exciting then I get to work thursday and friday fun no saturday woo! my sis is comming on why arent you online?Haircut this weekend and suit shopping should be exciting