May 01, 2004 00:33
my life? you would like to hear my effen life?here it goes
I FUCKING HATE YOUUU BITCH....actually Im working like a mexican lately
the next day12-5
day after that day-230-630
and the day after the day after that other day-2-6
then that day in 5 days from today230-630
then one more daty230-630
next sced
Im going to be rolling in the moneys...naky
Pick let me know when you go misting so I can come
Sis I will make you an Ode and red headed busty cuz too as long as I get some back
Also lil sis you are left out you should make a journal too then we can play consintration through live journal...?
um the concert was amazing I cant stop listening to yellowcard and thinking of AM and the format boys oyi...
here a little tale
2 boys
2 girls
girl 1 says to girl 2
"whos smoking weed??"
girl 2 says
"those boys right there"
"ohh hahaha" girl 1 says
"how are they doing that in the wide open space?they arent even TRYing to hide it" says g1
g2 replies"yea you cant even smoke ciggerettes in here"
a big black security guard swings by and takes them away
10 minutes elapse and the 2 boys are back
they did not get in trouble
funny ha ha ha
good nite im so utterly tired and poop and exashuasted i will write tomorrow if i can walk or even stand after the work place...good nite i love you
" I just aint the same with out you in my life"
the counrty song from YC