One Shot: Over It

Dec 05, 2014 20:19

NOTES The way I hope it is for Kristen.
DISCLAIMER Obviously I don't own them, this is rpf, and in real life this could go either way.
ADDITIONAL NOTES I haven't produced anything in ages and rpf seemed the best way to reveal my thoughts, and wishes that both of them have some happiness, and are strong individuals. Feel free to share this if anyone does actually visit here still.

Surveying the room she hadn’t realised how much of a mess she had made.

Looking down at her feet, she saw a splotch of dried red paint on one of her many black pairs of converse.

Before she could turn her attention back to her work she felt a vibration inside of her pocket.

Taking her phone out of her jeans pocket she saw the message pop up was from Suzy.

Pleasseeee call me chica x

Immediately after that a link was sent through via another message. She clicked on it out of impulse.

She had every intention of skimming the article but read over and over: ‘That’s, like, that is the…side of life of the man that I love.’

At that, her jaw dropped. And all of a sudden it felt colder. The room temperature may have dropped or it was the feeling in her bones.

Another text message popped up apologising for sending the link to her. Wrong person of course. But not now, she thought.

A quick internet search lead her to see that he’d joined her again on her tour for the one hundredth time.

Quickly hitting the button to cancel her routine check up on him, she gathered her thoughts to compile into a short but convincing text.

She paused after having typed, I'm fine. I'm over it.

Surveying the room again she realised just how fine she actually was. It was a mess. He was a mess. They were a mess.

Truth be told, as much as she thought she could never meet another man that could love her quite like he did, lately the thoughts that had entered her mind were more along the lines of questioning if what they had was even the real side of him.

She wasn’t crying over him. She genuinely wasn’t dancing a merry tune to pull off an act. She certainly wasn’t wishing for things to go back to the way they were.

Maybe one day we’ll work things out. And she finished with, I've moved on though.

As much as it was his choice to physically move on. Her decision to accept it as the person he would have become in the end was her own way of telling herself, her life right now, was worth it without him.

She smiled at the inquisitive text from her friend, Maybe?

rating: pg, author: kstewrocks, length: one-shot

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