My legs were a little stiff this morning when I got up but other than that, I felt great. It was 52° but the wind was coming out of the north east which meant we would have a tail wind for the day. I rejoined group 2 and the wind carried us along like you would not believe. I got to the Howard Park on the Gulf about 3:30 (I think - I didn't bother with a watch). I still felt pretty good but was glad to see the end. I think our total for the 3 days was 207 miles but whose counting? I rode my bicycle from "Coast to Coast" - something I've always wanted to do.
The group I rode with -
Idelwild Baptist Church - were the nicest people and I could not have completed the ride without everyone's help. I gave some advice to some of the new female riders (don't wear underwear) and felt good that I could get them started on an exciting and memorable journey.
My roommate, Erin