Today is Saturday. I am feeling pretty wonderful. I am very excited about giving birth.
The baby has not yet fully dropped, but seems to be gradually working their way down the pelvis. I feel that throughout the night last night they descended some.
I have the birthing pool set up in my room, along with wonderful, beautiful, magical things. Here are links to the photo albums:
Photo Album 1 Photo Album 2 Photo Album 3The baby is since today now resting more on the nerves where their head is (which is in the pelvic area) which causes magnificent sensations that demand attention. ^_^
The last appointment I had with one of my midwives was amazing and left me feeling so pumped, which is really refreshing for me as I wasn't feeling confident in them previously, and she was the one I was more concerned with. Now I feel very comfortable with her and am very grateful for this connection we have made. ^,^
So it could all happen very quickly, or it could be slower, but I feel that once things begin flowing they will be quick and smooth. And I am SO FREAKIN' EXCITED I CANNOT CONTAIN IT!!!!! I am SOOOO stoked to give birth!!! ^<>^
So, all in all, things are freaking beautiful and amazing and I have started getting packages which is super beautiful and fun and exciting.
Also, Alexis, I am so phoning you and telling you the tale of your package. I am so grateful for it, it is beautiful!!!!! ^<>^ <333 My energy has been going to growing a baby, and what is left tends to be focused towards making and eating food and birth preparations, therefore it takes a bit longer to do things these days, but you know about being preoccupied too. ^^ It's wonderful though, very beautiful things! ^^
So, that is my update for now.
I love you all!!!!
Thank you for being a part of this wondrous experience!!
-Sarah Christina