I pulled out the shift pieces that I had cut out for the OTTE, and took a look at the neckline. The neckline pretty much looks identical to the Tudor shift. The sleeves are slimmer, but that's a good thing, since I'll be putting it beneath slim sleeves. So I sewed it together. I was able to finish it up this weekend. There are detachable ruffles for the Tudor smock, so I'll probably use them as a basis for the sleeve ruffles, except instead of using plain fabric for the actual ruffles, I'll be using the pearled Venise lace.
I also started work on the gold lace partlet. First I hand sewed the gold lace to the chiffon piece that will be used for the collar. I can't complete the collar until I get the silk organza in the mail, so that was put aside for later. Then I sewed the partlet together completely (including F***ing French seams at the shoulders). I used bias tape to finish the edges, and I put a thin elastic cord in the casings made by the bias tape. Once I try the partlet on, I will very slightly gather the elastic so that it hugs the shoulders and stays on neatly. Then I pinned the partlet to a sheet of tissue paper, and laid out the strips of gold lace onto the partlet body. I'm going to try and sew them on using the machine to save time. Doing it by hand would take forever. I think that I will have enough of the gold lace to make another gold lace partlet for sale on eBay. I'll take pictures soon of the smock and partlet so everyone can see how pretty they are.
Here is a picture of the lace I'll be using in strips down the front and back of the partlet. The strips will be separated by 1" of fabric.
Isn't it pretty?