May 15, 2004 21:27
ahhhhhhh lol phone call :P
so today was fun. went to bed at 3. woke up at 9. o the fun. went to get stuff at models for the picnic. drove to jersey with the rents and dee. yadda yadda yadda. got to the picnic. 100000 degrees. but it was cool. tons of food. games. music. played a lot of volleyball. ummmmm checked my phone a lot:P
came home around 6 because theres only so much i can deal with trees and dirt. lol hence why im going to a large city university. boston university. class of 2009. lol thats me. hopefully. but as of now i cant think of any other school i want to apply and would def go if i got in.
so last night was great as usual. im just having a great week arent i. thats what happens when you are a "good" boy like me. hung out. couldnt really focus. but did i have to? lol no. because its a new me :) happy happy happy
i dont know what it is. but i havent been in a bad mood all week. no complaining. fighting. yelling. lol well theres always yelling of course. but in the kindest of ways. but whatever it is its AMAZING :P
so now im being lazy. why? had about 4 hours of sleep last night. crazy tired from being in the sun all day. and i have to be at school at 6 am tomorrow. doing the AIDS walk for NHS. ughhh. lol why? i was already inducted on thursday. blah blah blah. the shit we do for fucking college. but i guess it can be argued that college is beneficial in the long run right?
so harry potter is my date for tonight. no worries though. its nothing serious :P i have my eyes set on another character.
so g night lovers.
g night fools.
g night friends?
g night fugly whore:P