Jul 08, 2008 19:02
missing time--
E and A's house party, me n M wasted, forgot we both have blackouts after too much vodka, and E in my hand, where did it come from? Clothing discarded in the swimming pool, mystery bike crashing bruises, and a very hung over work day starting at 7.30 am the next day = wtf happened last night?
Finally snapped and put Maverick on full board at an outrageous price, but whatever...its for my sanity. Just have to wait till fall to move him to N van...talked to C about it wich I was not looking forward to, I knew she would be sad, and pissed off being left with two brainless teenagers who have extreme difficulty looking after their horses...she understood my driving woes and seemed happy with my decision to move to LL stables.
Just noticed that Facebook has a link to a page of "people I might know" turns out its pretty much every douche that I fucking can't stand or dated and one point and never want to see again peppered with some randoms that I actually don't know. They should just name it "people you probably know already in some capacity and can't stand the sight of + a few randoms you'll prolly never meet in RL"