Dec 19, 2006 23:40
Watched a bedraggled man stumbling along the pavement yesterday, plastic bag full of paint over his mouth and nose, and wondered what the fuck in his life got so bad he ended up there. HE lurched in front of my car, and I wondered for a sec if it wouldn't be a kindsness to just keep driving. And I know that if I gave him a couple of hundred bucks, he'd probably just use it to enjoy himself until he was either broke again or dead/unconscious. I guess all I use my money for is enjoying myself, so can't really point fingers.
Yesterday was a little weird.
Flatmate's Banshee GF got up - at 9:30 pm, mind you - and complains half an hour later that my computer games are too loud, as she is *trying* to read in another room with the door closed, and I'm being inconsiderate. Sorry love, but having spent the DAY being quiet to as not to wake your ultra-lazy ass, shut the fuck up. Whine whine, whine bitch whine. After all, that's what LJ is for, is it not?
Leaving this place soon - glad to be rid of her, sad to be leaving a good mate with* her, and also an awesome place with a pool.... :( But the new place is in Moroubra (sp?), 5 min walk from the beach. Good times! Also have a handy-dandy little CC tv security door buzzer! Huzzah for the marvels of modern science.
Leaving about 26th Jan, Australia day. Got soooo much to do before then, no idea where to start. Going to suck not being able to see friends and family, but you get the good with the bad in moving, so i'm sure i'll cope.
Want to get myself a decent job doing something decent this time around, something I cvan build a future with.
At least throught the wonders of teh Interwebz, I can still communicate with ppl.
Yay Interwebz!