27 - Lists

Jul 22, 2008 19:32

1. Because it IS!
2. Chocolate
3. The existence of Justice
4. All the people on the list below and people I haven't met yet!
5. I'm not stuck in a machine-thingy any more.
7. Shiki-san's cooking
8. The Healers of Justice!!
9. Daddy
10. Saillune
11. Did I mention Justice?

People I like who are here in no particular order! - I don't know if I should do this, because I really like a lot of people and I don't want to miss anyone or make anyone feel like I would only like these people. ^^;;; So if you aren't here, don't feel bad; I need to meet you!
1. Lina-san
2. Gourry-san
3. Zelgadis-san
4. Shiki-san
5. Hanatarou-san
6. Hotaru-san
7. Mohinder-san
8. Kuchiki-taichou Though I think he'd protest.
9. Kaoru-san
10. Chrono-san
11. Excel-san ?
12. Itachi-san I'm not sure he's still here . . .
13. Setsuna-san
14. That man who tried to help me the other day.
15. A whole lot more people I've only seen once or twice or I haven't met yet! This list isn't done, and I want to meet a lot more! ^^


16. Blue-san
17. The boy that likes Godzilla and rock music.

Reasons why Zelgadis-san should smile mor--

Reasons why the Dragon Slave is not usually good
1. Lina-san has a temper and likes to use it.
2. It destroys a lot and leaves a huge crater.
3. Lina-san has a temper and likes to use it.

Sorry, Lina-san, I can't seem to stop! ^^;;;

Reasons why Gourry-san needs a new sword
1. His old one got taken away.
2. His new one seems to be very bad.
3. Gourry-san isn't Gourry-san without a sword.

Reasons people should love Justice:

Moooooou, my fingers are tired . . . And I just got to a really good list!

busy busy busy, this post needs sparkles, overdoing it a bit, cursed

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