Um . . . I feel weird doing this. It seems like a lot of people on the Network are asking, now that I think about it. I really wish I'd paid more attention!
Are there any clothes I can borrow? . . . From a guy? Who's tall?
. . . And is there a good way to figure out how to stand up without falling over?
Private. )
And it happened to you too?
((ooc: My apologies -- I need to get to bed. I'll reply tomorrow! :) ))
Yeah, three days ago. Zack Fair, by the way. Great to meet you, despite the weird situation.
[okay! ♥]
. . . I'd meet you in the middle, but the Cathedral isn't really a good place for me, sorry.
It's nice to meet you, Zack-san! I hope we still recognize each other after this is over. ^^;;
Let me just go grab something out of my closet and I'll head right over.
[I'm imagining Amelia-turned-Alfred stuck in the base clothing of a SOLDIER uniform and it's making me laugh.]
((ooc: *snickers* Poor thing. I take it you've seen the series?))
[Not the new one, but I'm looking at my boxed sets of Slayers, NEXT, and TRY on the shelf next to me, yes. |D]
Um . . . right now I'm somewhere around 5'10" -- maybe more? I don't have anything to measure with. Dark purple hair which is short, and blue eyes. I'm 16, too, so . . .
Does that help?
((ooc: SQUEE! You have the series! Yes, that's exciting -- there aren't many people who have seen it. ^^ On the new one, I've seen part of it, which is great, but they stopped fansubbing it, so I'll have to wait for the rest.))
I have to figure out which set of doors is the entrance. One second.
[If my fansub group wasn't so bogged down with Kyou Kara Maou and Vampire Knight, I'd ask my boss about it. :( But yes, I saw it all ages ago. ^_^]
((ooc: Actually, previous fansubbing was shut down by the American distributor because the Japanese distributor called upon them to defend the license -- even though the American distributor technically doesn't have the rights to that part of the series yet. So it's probably better not to start. Though I'm wistful anyway. :/))
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