was great. Mini-golf in the pouring rain, biscuits and mashed
potatoes at KFC, an old comedy double-feature at the Times (Saftey Last
and Duck Soup), a whole theater laughing uncontrollably, a long walk by
the lake, Post-Apocalypse House Shopping, awesome conversations,
holding hands, and [emo] an amazing person to spend it all with.
[/emo] Oh yeah, there was a dash of Stephen King somewhere in the
mix, but he only gets let out of the basement for special occasions.
Things I have decided since last night:
*I need to watch all the Marx Bros. movies again (this is an obsession that occurs at least once a year)
*The Times is the best movie theater in Milwaukee (they are showing To Kill A Mockingbird today!)
*Taking Back Sunday does not really withstand the test of time
*I love imagining living in giant trees
*It is more fun talking about receiving dollars for throwing golf balls at cars on the highway than actually doing it
* [emo] [and possibly a little gay] I have the best roommate/friend in
the entire world in Johnny(this has always been the case, though)
[/emo] [/and possibly a little gay]
Madplanet Friday:
This is all I have to say:
Mustache Update:
I tested it with a pink button up shirt at Mad Planet and with a sweater yesterday. It passed with flying colors.