Jun 06, 2005 23:51
Well, I just wrote this BIG LONG about how great my weekend was, but now I am P.O.ed over my dumb PC, so here is a short version, Me and Lell went to NC to visit some of her friends and we all went to House of Blues @ Myrtle Beach to watch SEETHER, CROSSFADE, and NO ADDRESS (and another band that I don't know their name but they were AWESOME too) in concert three rows back and it was THE BEST WEEKEND OF MY LIFE!!!! Seether sings the best songs, but No Address were the best performers I thought! Yeah, I will go into to more detail tomorrow... oh, and EVERYBODY UPATE, Pollie needs some good reading material!!!
GREAT DOWNLOADS (Please take time to listen to these songs, it is TOTALLY worth your time)
1.) "Cold" by Crossfade (Very deep song, I would sing it to a few people..haha)
2.) "Gasoline" by Seether (I jsut rocked out to this song liek nobody's business)
3.) "Broken" by Seether (We saw the version without Amy Lee, but they are both equally good)
4.) "Fine Again" by Seether (My favorite song right now)
5.)"When I'm Gone (Sadie)" by No Address (Best Performed Song, and I am marrying the guitarist)