First flame

Jan 23, 2011 20:12

[Meanwhile at the house of 5719 Cunningham Lane, a certain pyrokinetic fighter will suddenly come to his senses and noticed there were three things wrong with him right now. One, there's a pipe sticking out of his mouth. Two, he's holding a newspaper of all things and three, he's wearing a bathrobe and slippers.

Good god, was his cooking that bad that he had to get droned? Well whatever, he's back to his senses so he'll just pick that pipe out of his mouth and toss it aside along with the news papers before checking out around the house.

What did he find out? Turns out he's still living in the same place as before with same bratty kid as before and some white haired girl according to the pictures around the house. Looks like there was quite a party going on in this house while he was 'out'... so looks like there is one way to know what's been going on lately. And Kyo made his way towards the old telephone. ]


Alright, last thing I remember was being around here around August time. Someone mind filling me in on what the date is and what happened? I know shit had to happen since my last 'wife' is still a brain-dead smiling creepy lady and apparently I have another kid to take care of, so time had to fly by. Oi Nagato! If you're listening then I'm waiting to hear from you the most to give me the run down.
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