It's about time: Free Counselling!

Mar 10, 2010 23:52

[When she had first come to the Nexus, Rose had intended on opening an office to give counseling to the people of the Nexus who wanted it. After taking a severe detour in her life, she finally was starting to feel like things were regaining some semblance of order, so finally, she was back in her office.]

[Throughout the Nexus there were fliers advertising the counseling and where it could be found. A few fliers had been tucked under the doors of certain residents, seemingly at random. Now, with the advertising out of the way, Rose was sitting in her big comfy chair with two plates of warm cookies on the table (The cookies were made by both her and Nyu, so eating a cookie has a 50/50 chance of being delicious or horrible), and a box full of various things she thinks she might need next to her.]

[Now all that was left for her to do... was wait.]

[((Free psychological counseling! Oh god. Also, Mantis is wandering not that far away so if you care to threaten her, (or if you're a Raiden) beware. :3 ))]


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