The majority of evil people here has been growing, hasn't it? Although, Ocelot lacks a certain fear towards them-- Hate would be the proper word for it. Fear never came into play through his life, just embarrassment followed quickly by anger when facing snake, a certain loneliness for his lack of parents in his life and not being able to acknowledge who they even were. Then again all of these he dealt with himself, why ask aid when you don't really need it?
After all, Ocelots prefer being alone among other things.
The heat died down after all and the nexus seemed back to it's original self. He wasn't quite sure what he liked more, but speaking of fire- There was someone he wanted to talk to, even it was a horrible choice on his part. The Fury. Probably the most brutal person in that group, yet curiosity always got the best of him and you do know the saying.
Curiosity killed the cat.
(( For
aworldonfire I hope you like prosing. ))